YEEGADS!!!! (Yoga)

Xue is this not your normal routine?
The ones that do it well, make it look easy. The ones that think they will give it a try, will find out that it takes time, and effort, before you can make it look effortless. If you don't follow the above, yoga will put a hurting on ya.
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Wait ... you mean that's not standard yoga practice? And I've been working on it all this time!! :vu:

Well of course it is. You just need to get that arm and leg super stretch strike thing down first :D

But then speaking as one who has perfected the Kamehameha attack (as everyone knows all of us Internal CMA guys do sooner or later :supcool: )I am not all that sure how much more deadly I need to be :supcool: but I am working on it :D

OOPS... I wasn't suppose to tell any non ICMA people that...sorry I must now Kamehameha this thread and all in it

Excellent. No unnatural contortions, just asanas running through range of natural motion. You'll notice that Guru Krisnamacharya had a lot of muscle mass and tone. Yoga doesn't have to be pretzel positions done by starved toothpicks.
You guys are all spot on. I was completely floored when I had some students come to my class and tell me about it.