Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I can see how yoga may be beneficial. I do enjoy watching Namaste on FitTV. Must be the soothing sounds.
Be honest.. why do you REALLY enjoy watching Namaste on FitTV... :uhohh: NOT that I would be watching it with any other motive than an interest in Yoga mind you

Yoga just seems like what I need at the moment and since I got the opportunity dropped into my lap I best take advantage of it and see if it is all it is cracked up to be. To be honest I have been looking at a few schools around me lately and none really impressed me, to much new age stuff and as previously mentioned too many "hippy instructors".
My first look at Yoga was many years ago and Kriplau and when I left I was literally telling people that although I most certainly do see benefit to yoga it is just WAAAAAAY to peaceful for me. But I was very happy that there were people out there that were that peaceful.