Somehow I can’t picture me saying Namasté

I can see how yoga may be beneficial. I do enjoy watching Namaste on FitTV. Must be the soothing sounds.

Be honest.. why do you REALLY enjoy watching Namaste on FitTV... :uhohh: NOT that I would be watching it with any other motive than an interest in Yoga mind you :D

Yoga just seems like what I need at the moment and since I got the opportunity dropped into my lap I best take advantage of it and see if it is all it is cracked up to be. To be honest I have been looking at a few schools around me lately and none really impressed me, to much new age stuff and as previously mentioned too many "hippy instructors".

My first look at Yoga was many years ago and Kriplau and when I left I was literally telling people that although I most certainly do see benefit to yoga it is just WAAAAAAY to peaceful for me. But I was very happy that there were people out there that were that peaceful.
It is not so much the word Namasté that is the problem it is the "DAMN yoga people (tend to be) are so very calm, peacful and nice" and somehow describing myself as calm peaceful and nice while I am hitting trees, walls and throwing people and getting thrown by people just does not seem to fit .... Xue applies Qinna Lock and then say Namasté :D

If you love your work, I'm sure you will remain calm and peaceful even in the heat of arborcide. If not, pretend that Namaste is Sanskrit for "Die tree! Die! Die! Die!" Use the William Shatner/Wrath of Khan yell for best effect: "NAMASTEEEEEEEE!!!"
If you love your work, I'm sure you will remain calm and peaceful even in the heat of arborcide. If not, pretend that Namaste is Sanskrit for "Die tree! Die! Die! Die!" Use the William Shatner/Wrath of Khan yell for best effect: "NAMASTEEEEEEEE!!!"


NOW your talking MY language :D
Back from the session and all I have to say is wow.

That was impressive; I have never got so much detail before in any Yoga class I have been in or from any yoga person I have talked to.


This is MUCH harder than I remember or than I was doing and all I am currently doing are some basic exercises and a simple sun salutation… and it is so COOL!!

A Private Yoga lesson with a Yoga Therapist gets you TONS of correction and oh yeah don't forget to breathe.... There is a lot more to Yoga than I knew and I absolutely love it.

After this I will say the same about Yoga DVDs that I say about MA DVDs. They are at best a supplement to training with a good teacher.
I am beginning to think philosophically you can’t "seriously" do both MA and Yoga. You can use Yoga to support your MA though physical training such as I was doing before with Power Yoga but I do not think you could use MA to support Yoga. You could do Yoga lite and MA lite I think but then you are not really doing either IMO.

I am rather happy I went down this path for a bit and I am still on it, I have had a lot of posture correction and I needed it. But I am getting right back to where I was many years ago when I went this route and tried to train Yoga more seriously, it is just way to peaceful for me.

However this is just a thought that popped into my head this weekend (while looking at Systema stuff actually that is soon to cause anther post) and I could just as easily figure out my next weekend I am full of…. well you know. But I have asked my Yoga instructor about it and I have also asked her why she quit MA

Just a thought :asian:
Well my official Yoga training has come to an end... :hmm: must be I’m now a master :lfao: …. Not close, I have a whole lot more to learn and I honestly do not believe I could ever learn enough to call myself a teacher of Yoga little alone a master of it. A yogi I am not… possibly Yogi bear but that is about as close as I could get.

My work schedule and teachers schedule have hit head on and work won (I keep saying it gets in the way and must go but does anyone believe me noooooo :D). But I must say I have trained yoga before but I got so much more out of this short time than any other I have ever had. Her knowledge of things yoga is amazing. I have gained a lot more respect for yoga than I previously had, although I was fairly impressed with it before. I do believe I have a good beginners practice that will keep me going but I already see much of my past MA training creeping in and last week I stopped fighting that and the results were great.

Which answers a previous post of mine that I do now think at some levels they work fine together and possibly at all levels.
Xue-I am not sure how I missed this post when you first started it, but I teach Power Yoga. If you are after strength and flexibility, it is what you want. I train in other variations, but Power is my thing.

Keep going and it will continue to help you out. If you are ever in Kansas, let me know and you can have fun in my class.
Xue-I am not sure how I missed this post when you first started it, but I teach Power Yoga. If you are after strength and flexibility, it is what you want. I train in other variations, but Power is my thing.

Keep going and it will continue to help you out. If you are ever in Kansas, let me know and you can have fun in my class.

Thanks, I first trained Kripalu for a very short time, many years ago and then Power Yoga, but no official teacher that was on my own with DVDs based in my Kripalu and then most recently I trained Hatha. I liked what I was learning in Hatha and I received incredible detail in the postures I had never had before and it has helped immensely. I was looking at an Iyengar school near me but I have to be honest, after much thought on this I do not think I truly want to get into Yoga as much as my Hatha teacher and the Iyengar teacher are. I am first a martial artist.

However I do believe I will be taking this back to Power Yoga now that I can no longer get to classes with my Hatha teacher and, for me, I really look at Yoga as more of a support to my MA training than a training all itself and Power Yoga does that quite well and I rather liked it. But I was doing some things wrong that my recent teacher corrected and that is a good thing

I was looking for a Power Yoga teacher in my area but so far I have been unable to locate one. I thought I found one a month ago but when I called they were no longer teaching there.

However I am rather happy I did train Hatha this last month it was an eye opener and I learned a lot.

I even said Namasté at the end of every class and workout for the entire month.

And if I am ever in Kansas I may take you up on that.

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