...Yeah screw boxing. (I give up. I just realized how little I know. Long read.)

Women cheat on their partner with attractive men and men cheat on their partner with attractive women. If, perhaps, we're dealing with a great person who really has his personal ethics down to a frightening level of intensity, he won't cheat. But he or she will get tempted... Very tempted.

Dude they do. Even my mother, as prudish as she is, admitted to me that she'd let Brad Pitt get away with more things simply because the dude is handsome. Of course, there's a limit to that, but to a huge degree, Brad Pitt, only because he's handsome and famous, will get away with more things than lesser men.
No...only scummy Cowardly people cheat. Guess what....fat people get married, very skinny people get married, yes strong people get married, tall people get married, short people get married. You know why? Because none of that stuff means a Damm thing
heres a vid of a skinny little girl lifting 315, id be ashamed if i couldnt lift more than her, never mind bragging about it

You can't lift that weight. Video or it didn't happen.

That girl had been training for years. This is my THIRD WEEK OF HEAVY SQUATS.
That doesn't say that I never did them.

Don't worry, I'll be here to constantly keep you in the light since you obviously need help to figure these things out.

And look, you're a true martial artist using a great martial arts strategy of ganging up with me with Jobo right there. I admire you two's courage.
You can't lift that weight. Video or it didn't happen.

That girl had been training for years. This is my THIRD WEEK OF HEAVY SQUATS.
but they are light squats, thats the problem you cant grasps, and your bragging about the weight you can lift NOW and your no stronger than a little girl, she lifting three times body weight give or take

and that girl is properly considerably stronger by now

if you want to tell me you are strong come back when its 600lbs and il be impressed, but im pretty sure you wont stick for more than a few weeks
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but they are light squats, thats the problem you cant grasps, and your bragging about the weight you can lift NOW and your no stronger than a little girl

and that girl is properly considerably stronger by now

if you want to tell me you are strong come back when its 600lbs and il be impressed

A 600-pound squat while training for boxing is just not reasonable unless I've been training for over a decade.

455 pounds. That's more like it. Even though this coming week I will very likely restructure my training and do minimal heavy squats, 455 is still gonna be very reasonable if I have a whole year to achieve it.

I'll do a phase this coming week of mostly aerobic training. It'll last at least 6 weeks.

If I was allowed to focus on pure strength, I can undoubtedly hit a 500-pound squat in under three years. As for reaching 600, I don't know. I'll be almost forty years old in ten years.
A 600-pound squat while training for boxing is just not reasonable unless I've been training for over a decade.

455 pounds. That's more like it. Even though this coming week I will very likely restructure my training and do minimal heavy squats, 455 is still gonna be very reasonable if I have a whole year to achieve it.

I'll do a phase this coming week of mostly aerobic training. It'll last at least 6 weeks.

If I was allowed to focus on pure strength, I can undoubtedly hit a 500-pound squat in under three years. As for reaching 600, I don't know. I'll be almost forty years old in ten years.
its got to be a ,multiple of body weight to make comparison, that Little girl is lifting circa three time her weight, you bearley lifting times one yours

body weight is a significant advantage in some lifts including squats, so a big chunk of your alleged strength is just fat counter balancing the weight, if you lost a 100lbs you would loose a 50 lbs off the lift weight thats why body builders bulk up to improve what weight they can lift and cut for competitions to show their muscles
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So ummm...

I'm embarrassed but I give up.

After talking to everybody here, seeing folks in the gym, watching elite boxers on YouTube, talking to people at a bodybuilding website, taking cardio seriously for the first time in my life, I think it's about time I quit my boxing delusions.

Look, I am sure that if boxing matches were a grand total of one round that lasts for three minutes, strength athletes would be terrifying. But that's not how the sport is.

I'm gonna go ahead and hop onto a grappling art. I'm Philipino but I also have a Japanese heritage on my father side, so Judo should be appropriate. And I know for a fact that there's a Judo club here where I live as I've searched them before. And then there's a wrestling club here also, THANK GOD. I thought that after high school, wrestling prospects are over or rare. But there's a thriving wrestling club where I live. Thank goodness...

I can tell you all some silly justifications as to why I'm abandoning my boxing aspirations but the fact of the matter is, I can't handle the cardio... I just... I just can't. I really, just, CAN'T. This isn't even about pain tolerance even though heavy weightlifting is far less uncomfortable than cardio. It's about priorities. And the DREAD. The freaking DREAD. I simply can't have a big squat and deadlift if I'm working on having a good time on the 10-kilometer run. My ego cannot handle the very idea of sacrificing squat gains in order to improve endurance. I just... I think I'm gonna cry man.

I haven't even sparred and my ego is already taking a beating. I think it's a good idea to quit now before I get my butt handed to me by a woman.

Grappling, though... I'm not gonna go and talk as if I know how it is because I don't, but I really do think, with what little I understand, that brute strength has a direct carryover to wrestling and judo. And I think the only adjustment I should do with my strength program, really, is to lighten the load and do 30-rep squats for whatever leg endurance requirement I need. That's still gonna be far away and downright irrelevant to my absolute one-rep max, but it is undoubtedly lightyears ahead of long-distance running when it comes to its reliance on squatting strength. I just... I just don't care about boxing record anymore if I'm not up to par with my squat strength...

Honestly, my vanity lies elsewhere. I know my uncle couldn't care less about his athletic abilities as long as he had good cologne and nice clothes. Me, personally, I could have an ugly scar on my face for all I care, as long as I know I'm stronger than the other dude and can beat his butt in a fair fight, I'm satisfied. Please reread that latter part because it's key... Really, I need boxing for that... More than weightlifting ability. But considering how grappling arts like wrestling and Judo EXIST, that should nullify the need for punching, to a degree.

So yeah, I'm switching to either Judo or wrestling.

I'm gonna be a sponge this time. Forgive me for my previous behavior.

I can still train boxing, of course, but it'll be supplementary and won't be my main style.

I have a lot of questions...

Excluding boxing because you think you'd suck less at wrestling or judo in the beginning doesn't make much sense IMO. First, be it boxing, judo or wrestling, you're gonna suck at pretty much everything you start. Happens to everyone and it's ok, nobody expects you to be good at something you've never done. Second, the point of boxing training is to make you better at boxing, and part of the fun is in growing from "clueless" to "competent". Also, how much you can squat is pretty much irrelevant as regards performance in all the martial arts I can think of.

So how about ditching that ego thing? Ego is like chocolate: a healthy dose is fine but have too much and people end up with diarrhea. Here, your ego is preventing you from doing something you want to do, it's not helping you in any way. Plus, learning to keep it in check will also improve your social skills.

I suggest that, once gyms reopen in your area, you do free trials in the arts that interest you (boxing, wrestling, judo, whatever) and choose the one you like most.
Excluding boxing because you think you'd suck less at wrestling or judo in the beginning doesn't make much sense IMO. First, be it boxing, judo or wrestling, you're gonna suck at pretty much everything you start. Happens to everyone and it's ok, nobody expects you to be good at something you've never done. Second, the point of boxing training is to make you better at boxing, and part of the fun is in growing from "clueless" to "competent". Also, how much you can squat is pretty much irrelevant as regards performance in all the martial arts I can think of.

So how about ditching that ego thing? Ego is like chocolate: a healthy dose is fine but have too much and people end up with diarrhea. Here, your ego is preventing you from doing something you want to do, it's not helping you in any way. Plus, learning to keep it in check will also improve your social skills.

I suggest that, once gyms reopen in your area, you do free trials in the arts that interest you (boxing, wrestling, judo, whatever) and choose the one you like most.

As I said in a more recent post, I'm back to boxing.
Good to hear.

By the way. If you want girls. Learn to dance.

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, it has been said. Whatever that chick thinks equates to power is an aphrodisiac. It might be being able to fight. Or being the smartest guy in the room. Or being rich. Heck, if you're president of the U.S. and ugly as a stump, you can use a cigar. :P

Whatever it takes for her to subconsciously think you'll meet her needs as a provider.
weak people pay some one to move their furniture from room to room, coz they are weak
That doesn't make sense. Having someone else move your furniture from one house to another could simply mean that you don't want to do it, so you pay someone else to do it. For example when I moved, from one state to another, I was able to pay a company to move everything in one big rig. Had I tried to move it myself, I would have had to take multiple trips instead of that 1 trip.

You can also have movers help you when you have no one else to help you move. things.
nb im taking about strength training not body building which all though they have similarities and over laps are not the same thing
I'm talking about strength training too. The OP said he wants muscles then he tied it into attracting woman, which is different than strength because there are a lot of people who are strong but not cut, big, or have large muscles. There are people who look out of shape but are actually very strong. So what I'm talking about is from the concept of bodybuilding because that's what the OP seemed to be heading
That doesn't make sense. Having someone else move your furniture from one house to another could simply mean that you don't want to do it, so you pay someone else to do it. For example when I moved, from one state to another, I was able to pay a company to move everything in one big rig. Had I tried to move it myself, I would have had to take multiple trips instead of that 1 trip.

You can also have movers help you when you have no one else to help you move. things.

I'm talking about strength training too. The OP said he wants muscles then he tied it into attracting woman, which is different than strength because there are a lot of people who are strong but not cut, big, or have large muscles. There are people who look out of shape but are actually very strong. So what I'm talking about is from the concept of bodybuilding because that's what the OP seemed to be heading

To clarify, when it comes to leg strength, specifically squatting strength, all I care about is STRENGTH. Strength, strength, and more strength. That's what I want and that's what I always train for. Obviously, right now, after talking to you, everyone else here, and people in another forum, I realized I have to un-fixate myself with having a big squat and do the things that will help me in the ring. But in the past, and some future "training blocks" in my journey of being a good boxer, I have to restructure my training program for sport-specific purposes.

However, you were right when you mentioned my desire to train bodybuilding-style with my upper body. Yes. For upper-body, I care more about aesthetics than performance. Of course, just like I said, I have to restructure my training, so EVEN THAT would have to be put on the backburner. But still, to a huge degree, my boxing training will still improve my upper-body physique.

And if I might argue, bodybuilding builds strength if you make some key tweaks in your program. And these tweaks will be enough to give you great strength on top of getting big. At the end of the day, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and Olympic lifting all will give you great strength, a great foundation upon which you can build speed, power, and endurance on top of.
why wouldn't you put your spear down 10 mins early and do it, it will make no notable difference to the spear training and may very well improve your effectiveness at it in the long run
What are you talking about? I've even posted videos of me working out with weights, both during my forms, footwork, and staff? You literally cannot use the weapons I train with without being strong.

Nevermind. I just remembered.
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