Yahoo: UFC 111 presser: UFC meets NFL draft crowd

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
03-25-2010 07:15 AM:

New York can put another feather in its cap. If you want to call it that. The rowdy, trash-talking crew of Jersey Shore cast wannabes showed up at Radio City Music Hall on Wednesday to welcome the UFC to New York. It was a mix of Jets and Knicks fan behavior during the NFL and NBA drafts.

Hopefully, it's the last time the promotion has to come across the Hudson to promote an event at The Rock in Newark. The next press conference in the big Apple should be for an event at Madison Square Garden. Of course, if the powers that be in New York judged the fanbase solely by some of the loudmouths who showed up at Radio City, the UFC is up [expletive] creek.

Watch as the crowd harasses fellows fans. Here's a poor woman getting mocked (2:50 mark). This punching bag gets chided for asking about older fighters (3:32 mark). Another asks for tickets and gets cat calls (5:05 mark). And don't misphrase your question about Dan Hardy's gameplanning (5:55 mark). In the end, a kid who strayed away from the smartass routine actually got rewarded handsomely. He got up, asked if he could hang out with White on fight night and the UFC president said done deal (8:08 mark). The moaning and groaning upon hearing that was hilarious.

One of the many good questions asked by the fans who could dodge the mocking and laughing, asked about White's plan for James Toney. It was interesting to hear White say he has no idea what to do with Toney (6:40 mark). Is he serious? For a guy who always has a master, what happened since he signed him?

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.