Yahoo: MMA crowd assaulted by classless NFL coach Ryan

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
02-01-2010 05:00 PM:

See what happens when you let these NFL houligans into what is normally a civilized atmosphere?

New York Jets coach Rex Ryan attended the Strikeforce: Miami show with his buddies Jay Glazer, Trent Cole and Patrick Willis. Ryan was enjoying the fights and then lost his mind when thousands of Dolphins fans booed the Jets coach. During an on-camera conversation with Showtime's Jenn Brown, Ryan brought on more abuse by saying New York would beat Miami twice in 2010.

Once back amongst the Miami fans, the abuse picked up so Ryan went all Brock Lesnar on the crowd firing the middle finger their way.

Ryan did apologize for his behavior. Why? No one has a clue. Who cares? The NFL should worry more about its concussion and domestic violence issues than a coach flipping the bird.

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