X-Men 3!!!

Sagat said:
And it's not as if she was fighting one of the really strong mutants either.

I was also really shocked when I heard that line, you said it best Swordlady...........Quote - THE worst line ever said in ANY movie

Yeah...where is that worst movie lines thread...? *Rummages around the forum*

Edited to add: There's a worst movies thread, but not one for worst lines. Hmm...
Sagat said:
I was also really shocked when I heard that line, you said it best Swordlady...........Quote - THE worst line ever said in ANY movie
I disagree, an example off the top of my head from The Crow, just before T-Bird's death. T-Bird's car going flying past two cops sitting in their car on a coffee break. One of the cops dumps his coffee all over himself and yells, "What the crap?!" Note: this is not from the edited-for-TV version, just a really dorky line.
MMAfighter said:
I hear the sentinals are suppose to make an appearance :)

Yep. I saw a clip where Colossus throws Wolverine at one ala 'the fastball special' and he takes its head off. :)
Just saw this last night. Let me just say, after reading the comics as a kid, I was more than a little disappointed in how they tried to wrap things up so fast at the end.


  • Yes, there was a Sentinel for about 30 seconds in the Danger Room, which got punked out quick. The fastball special was funny, but I don't remember all of the mutants being able to share their powers through touch. (read: stretch)
  • Cyclops: dead, first 10 minutes.
  • Prof X: dead, first 30 minutes.
  • Jean Grey: dead
  • Mystique: "cured", so more or less, dead.
  • Magneto: "cured", so more or less, dead. (though hinted at the end of the movie that it wasn't so).
  • Rogue: "cured", so more or less, dead.
  • No Gambit as was hinted at.
  • No Nightcrawler, though when you see the big battle at the end, apparently his teleportation mutation is not "unique".
  • Iceman vs. Pyro - gimmicky. Had the potential to be a good fight scene.
  • Archangel? Well, there's some fluff (forgive the pun). The only reason he was in the movie at all was to save his father at the end, which was cheap. Where's Apocalypse??!?
  • Good god, who thought it was a good idea to bring in Sewer Urchin from the Tick? *sighs* (if you see it, you'll know who i'm talking about).
  • Ummmmm... Correct me if I'm wrong, but Juggernaut was not a mutant, right? He had a magical talisman that gave him his powers, and had to wear the big helmet so Prof. X couldn't mind control him (a la Magneto's helm). So how did "leech" take his powers away?
  • WTH is up with Logan too? What happened to the outcast buttkicking loner that we all know and love? When did he develop this leadership streak? Thought that was Storm's job?
  • Then there's the whole basis of the Phoenix storyline.... *sighs heavily*
I'll give credit where credit is due. Kelsey Grammer pulled off Hank McCoy's character pretty well. Of course, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen pulled off their roles splendidly, though Stewart's performance did waver a little when he was "restoring the psychic blocks to restrain the phoenix".

All in all, I'll probably buy the DVD just to have all 3 movies, but I doubt it will be in any danger of wearing out...
I saw the movie on friday night! it was a good movie I liked it if you liked the other ones you will like this movie. the only thing is that gambit was never in any of the movies? why
i thought it was pretty good as a basic action and explosion film. though there was very little character development. some things really did disappoint though:

SPOILERS BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (highlight them)

colossus hardly did anything, i so wanted a colossus vs juggernaut battle.

there was no apocalypse and no gambit.

angel was just...rubbish.

wolverine as some caring father figure? wtf!

as above, the iceman vs pyro fight was way to cheesy, could have been awesome.

there were more little things but thats all i can think of right now
Someone explain to me why they didnt say that Juggernaut & Prof. X were brothers??? In the comics they are brothers. In the movie they dont even know each other.

I agree with both people's opinions of this.

NO GAMBIT???? Van Damme coulda had a come back!!
Just saw the movie;


It looks like Magneto has some of his power, if not all his power left at the end of the movie and I think I know why.

You know how when you try to cure a disease with anti-biotics that there is a chance one of the bacteria mutating causing it can survive and reproduce? I think magneto was one of those mutations. He survived and according to the laws of evolution/nature, he was chosen to reproduce. Obviously he would use his powers for the same thing later on I think.

I think this is the plot for the next movie.

What do you think?
Kane said:
Just saw the movie;


It looks like Magneto has some of his power, if not all his power left at the end of the movie and I think I know why.

You know how when you try to cure a disease with anti-biotics that there is a chance one of the bacteria mutating causing it can survive and reproduce? I think magneto was one of those mutations. He survived and according to the laws of evolution/nature, he was chosen to reproduce. Obviously he would use his powers for the same thing later on I think.

I think this is the plot for the next movie.

What do you think?

I think (read: hope) there won't be a "next" movie. Unless they break into the Mr. Sinister, Apocalypse, or Cable/Bishop storylines, there's not enough characters left even if they combine the Xmen and brotherhood of mutants. Well, unless they bring Prof. X back as Onslaught or something (oh... he didn't reeeeeeeeealy get vaporized by the dark phoenix *rolls eyes*)...
OUMoose said:
I think (read: hope) there won't be a "next" movie. Unless they break into the Mr. Sinister, Apocalypse, or Cable/Bishop storylines, there's not enough characters left even if they combine the Xmen and brotherhood of mutants. Well, unless they bring Prof. X back as Onslaught or something (oh... he didn't reeeeeeeeealy get vaporized by the dark phoenix *rolls eyes*)...

im no x-men expert but arent there a load of stories in the comics that involve time travel? they could use that as an excuse to bring back a bunch of characters.

i agree kind of with the whole magneto regaining his powers thing as well. ridiculous biology aside, they put that scene in so they could make another movie if they wanted to.
OUMoose said:
I think (read: hope) there won't be a "next" movie. Unless they break into the Mr. Sinister, Apocalypse, or Cable/Bishop storylines, there's not enough characters left even if they combine the Xmen and brotherhood of mutants. Well, unless they bring Prof. X back as Onslaught or something (oh... he didn't reeeeeeeeealy get vaporized by the dark phoenix *rolls eyes*)...[/quote]

Yeah there will be no more X-Men.
Wait...movie studios are greedy and they made A TON of money from this so I wont say no quite yet b/c studios have a great track record of messing up a franchise and reviving it when it is dead.

I blame Halle Berry for getting Prof X & Cyclops killed off. She wante a bigge role and she got it (even thought she took a butt whoopin the whole time) at the expense of those 2 characters
Yes Halle Berry is still Storm. By the way, did anyone see it this weekend. A friend of mine did and said it was good. I am wanting extra opinions as well.

Who is looking forward to the Superman film besides me?
I would have preferred Angel Basset over Halle Berry in the film as Storm. A better actress by far with less of the hassle Berry brings with her.

Im not. I am a Tom Welling fan and to not have him star as Superman on the big screen is a let down. If the studios could wait one more year until Smallville ends, they would have a great way to start off the new franchise.
matt.m said:
Who is looking forward to the Superman film besides me?
I am, mostly out of curiosity. I'm a pretty big Gene Hackman fan, and I didn't think anyone could pull off Lex Luthor as well as he could. However, from the previews, I may have been wrong, as Kevin Spacey is awesome too. :)

The fact they're reusing the Brando material as well is a nice touch. I'm sure I'll be there to see it.

Then again, I'm also curious to see how Nicholas Cage is going to pull off a solid Ghost Rider...
Henderson said:
^^^^------------How's that Denny?

hehe. Nice.

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