The Gambit clue was one that I missed. My wife, however, missed the Hank McCoy television appearance. Now, I will have to see it again....and again...and again.
Pesilat, way to deep for me....I was just looking to be

But yeah, good point!
I wonder how deeply they'll develop Gambit's character. Kitty Pride looks like she is just brief candy for each movie, but I wouldn't mind seeing Glitter (one of the few newer characters I liked in the books....I am old people, leave me alone) develop.
Lastly, I think that they are treading on thin ice with the third one. I don't see how they could ever hope to bring that plotline to the screen. When Jean appeared in that incarnation, it made for some of the most incredible comic reading in history IMHO
How they will live up to the best

run of story in comics is beyond me.
P.S. Moro, Captain America?!? Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?