www.makalakula.com is up and running - thoughts?

That's why I always tell people hire a pro, lol. :D

As I build up my business account, that may be in the works. But, I also like learning new things as well. I've made some changes and worked out some bugs. I've added this to the front page so perhaps more people can find us.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Tang Soo Do is a form of karate that was exported to Korea in the 1930s. Tang translates to China, referring specifically to the Tang Dynasty. Soo translates to hand. Tang Soo or China Hand is the old Okinawan name for Kara Te, which also mean China Hand, before the name was changed to Empty Hand in the 1930s. Tang Soo Do is founded on the practice of the traditional forms that were exported from Okinawa to Japan. One branch of Tang Soo Do evolved into what is called Taekwondo. Another branch evolved to form a new martial art that draws deeply on Chinese roots. It is called Soo Bahk Do. Some of the branches of Tang Soo Do have changed little since they first came to Korea. Other branches have explored the traditional roots of how forms were learned and practiced and have evolved.

Makalakula Tang Soo Do is an approach to the art of Tang Soo Do that stresses the study of traditional forms. Makalakula Tang Soo Do is a curriculum that is designed to give students the tools to understand and practice all aspects of the forms. Makalakula students will practice striking, throwing, joint locking, pressure points, weapons, meditation, and healing techniques. Makalakula students will also learn how all of the above relate to the forms.

It is also a curriculum that prepares a student for self defense in accordance with our philosophy. Makalakula Tang Soo Do will also encourage personal development through the teaching of self-ownership and the non-aggression principle. We feel that these principles form the core ethical basis for not only self defense, but also for a positive life in general.

Makalakula Tang Soo Do is also an educational organization designed to give groups and individuals who want to learn how to fully utilize their forms a formal organization. We want to form a fellowship with students who we have trained and for people who are interested in the teaching/learning more about forms. This organization exists to give a formal network of school to Makalakula students and to give others who are interested in Tang Soo Do form application a formal method of doing this.

Makalakula is a philosophy, it is an approach to Tang Soo Do. It is kata, bunkai, hyung, bunseok, tegumi, tuite, kyusho, atemi, nage, newaza, uke, tori, kumite, etc. Join us to see how we do Tang Soo Do![/FONT]

My idea is to actually start an organization that helps to promote kata-based instruction of Tang Soo Do. Maybe it's only going to be used by me and my black belt students, but maybe some independent people might decide to join us if they have a similar way of approaching things. It's so hard to recommend TSD to students who move away because there are so many different approaches to it. The kata-based approach, the one that teaches the applications to the forms, is not something that one typically finds in TSD schools. So, maybe this might be more popular than I anticipate.

Regardless, it's exciting to work on a project like this. I'm flying by the seat of my pants!
I now think that the front page is too dense, I don't want to read four paragraphs of your philosophy. Put that later in the curriculum or some description of your approach. Tell me in one paragraph why I should want to train with you. Assuming that this website is actually designed as advertising.

Edit: heck you already have a "philosophy" page that is shorter in description than your home page. Move some of the material there.

And I still can't see anything about who the instructor is or what his/her qualifications are.
I now think that the front page is too dense, I don't want to read four paragraphs of your philosophy. Put that later in the curriculum or some description of your approach. Tell me in one paragraph why I should want to train with you. Assuming that this website is actually designed as advertising.

Edit: heck you already have a "philosophy" page that is shorter in description than your home page. Move some of the material there.

And I still can't see anything about who the instructor is or what his/her qualifications are.

Would bigger font work, or is it just too much? Bob made a good point about giving search engines enough to chew on. My initial front page was pretty light on text.
Would bigger font work, or is it just too much? Bob made a good point about giving search engines enough to chew on. My initial front page was pretty light on text.

I think it is simply too much. I want to be able to scan the front page to figure out what it is that you offer me, don't make me work for that.

That said, I am not web expert, it is just what I want to see when I start looking for a school.
Thanks. I'll be making updates to this thing for a while as I learn more about how to do it and as I clarify my own ideas on the matter. I am certainly not finished with this massive project yet.
Would bigger font work, or is it just too much? Bob made a good point about giving search engines enough to chew on. My initial front page was pretty light on text.

No. To be honest, I think the fontsize on the menu is too big. Page text looked fine to me. I think the amount of text size-wise is good. Read is a little awkward to me, but I'm also several hours past due to pass out.
No. To be honest, I think the fontsize on the menu is too big. Page text looked fine to me. I think the amount of text size-wise is good. Read is a little awkward to me, but I'm also several hours past due to pass out.

I'll be refining the material as I go, adding and taking away things based on feedback. I have some old karate students helping me as well.
Websites are never done, they just evolve over time, lol.