www.makalakula.com is up and running - thoughts?

Looks nice, but none of the links are links. They're just text on the screen.
Nothing at all about the system or instructors. The curriculum page will only make sense to people with at least some MA training.
I get "access denied" when loading the main page? Is that intentional or is your page not iPad-friendly?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Is that picture on the homepage your school? It doesn't look like it from what's on the pictures/videos page, but having it top dead center on the home page certainly gives that (possibly false) impression.
It is ok but there is something I am not exactly sure about and I think it is the menu.

Either the lettering is to big or the white lettering is to bright or the blue around it but it just does not seem to fit the rest of the page or it could be to many font styles on the page itself...not exactly sure.... but maybe it is just me
Why is the picture on the home page of the hands tied a link of some kind? Are you running a bondage site on the side, and this is a sneaky way of linking it? :rofl:
Why is the picture on the home page of the hands tied a link of some kind? Are you running a bondage site on the side, and this is a sneaky way of linking it? :rofl:
You know, sometimes the gutter isn't the best place for a mind to live...at least not permanently...
Thanks for the feedback. I'm still working on this.
Why is the picture on the home page of the hands tied a link of some kind? Are you running a bondage site on the side, and this is a sneaky way of linking it? :rofl:

It's a metaphor for the school, but maybe that's misleading...lol.
This is all my thoughts as if I were looking at this through the eyes of a new, prospective student.
I know the style is a form of Tang Soo Do, but i don't know who i will be learning from, or what their verification is/who they learned from. I also see the curriculum, but don't know what the different moves are. I do, however, know exactly where to find the school, as well as how much material is required for each belt, and roughly how long it will take to get each belt. Also, thanks to the videos, I have a pretty good view of what I will be learning at the school, despite not knowing what the curriculum itself means, if I am willing to watch the video (depending on how interested, I may or may not want to spend the time watching them)
I understand the metaphore, but the picture is also a hyperlink. That's the part that does not make sense.

Weird. This is my first attempt ever at making a website. I have a lot to learn yet.
It's not my style of design, so looking at technical concerns only here.

Some of your pages have links on them. Verify they are active links. Most I found weren't.

Your home page really needs more text. As-is, there isn't much for search engines to 'chew on', which will hurt your rankings.

Make sure you have title tag as well as keyword and description meta tags.
Alt tags for all images as well.
It's not my style of design, so looking at technical concerns only here.

Some of your pages have links on them. Verify they are active links. Most I found weren't.

Your home page really needs more text. As-is, there isn't much for search engines to 'chew on', which will hurt your rankings.

Make sure you have title tag as well as keyword and description meta tags.
Alt tags for all images as well.

Thanks Bob. I jumped into this thing with the idea that I'd learn as I went along. I have no idea what alt tags are for example.
alt tags are text labels on your images.
See for a complete description http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt_tag

Depending on what software you used to do the site, it may be called description or label. Just helps with SEO a bit, and if graphics dont load for some reason lets folks know something was there.
I've made some changes. I changed one of the background images. I've updated some philosophy and mission material. I've worked on the membership and schools pages. I'll be working on this slowly over time...it's one of those things that I wish I had more time for. Grrr...