WT Training


Let me asked you about the side slash pivot.

Lets say your Yee Gee Kim Yeung facing east. An your turn your body to side body posistion with your chest facing south but your left hand punching East. Then you pivot again your chest faces North but your right hand punches East. So each time you move your chest centerline and your left and right shoulder are on the centerline and your punch on the shoulder facing the opponents goes out?

Is this about what your saying?

So in other words your body is doing a side punch? Like the second picture to your left below!


1. Meridan Punch 2.Side Punch 3.Dragon Punch 4.Arrow Punch

Well I was trying to figure out how to describe side slash and pivot in text and it comes out too messed up. You do alot in one movement and can be used as a 180 degree turn between two attackers (although we don't train it that far of a pivot)
I think I'd just confuse you. But, it is a good way to turn from one focus mitt/or attacker to another in that fashion.
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Let me asked you about the side slash pivot.

Lets say your Yee Gee Kim Yeung facing east. An your turn your body to side body posistion with your chest facing south but your left hand punching East. Then you pivot again your chest faces North but your right hand punches East. So each time you move your chest centerline and your left and right shoulder are on the centerline and your punch on the shoulder facing the opponents goes out?

Is this about what your saying?

So in other words your body is doing a side punch? Like the second picture to your left below!


1. Meridan Punch 2.Side Punch 3.Dragon Punch 4.Arrow Punch

No, that's a totally different thing. help me out Mook!
It's far simpler than that.
okay, here goes...
1. you start out in basic stance, with guard up.
you pivot to the left, you raise your elbow up a bit (kinda like dai sau) on the left arm as you pivot.
2. your knife edge on had hits the focus mit to your left with your left hand.
3. you follow up with one punch to the same pad with your right hand.
4. The right hand that just punched the pad, now "side slashes" as you pivot to the right hitting the second focus mitt.
5. you immediatly follow up with left hand one punch to right side focus mit.
You do this back and forth like the little drum in "the karate kid" (remember that movie, where he's doing the death match for his girl friend and the whole village busts out with these little drums spinning the string and ball back and forth to hit both sides of the drum? I'm sure you do. lol!)

Kinda like that... I knew I couldn't describe it well in text! ack!
But, it teaches you to pivot and stay relaxed as you turn and strike.
My curiosity is peaked! i'm tempted to try and figure this out now, lol :)

Stop that! lol! It seems that no one does this except us. I don't want to mess you up in your training now.
But, it is a handy drill to learn to pivot and move hands too.
I'm sure they have something similar at your school. You've just got a couple months more to go before your ready to learn that.
Micheal casey should be coming out for a seminar my sifu sets up every 3-4 months soon, at which point I will be testing for 2nd level, so hopefully thats when that will be introduced!
Stop that! lol! It seems that no one does this except us. I don't want to mess you up in your training now.
But, it is a handy drill to learn to pivot and move hands too.
I'm sure they have something similar at your school. You've just got a couple months more to go before your ready to learn that.

Sorry I can't help you Si- Je I've never heard of that technique , did you make it up your self , its very creative I must say .

Only joking , of course I know it , you described it pretty good . I might clarify it a little more by saying that you know the second section of SLT where you slash out to the sides with both arms , well it is one of those side slashes but with a pivot and a punch that follows immediately after the side slash in exactly the same spot . Its used to hit a target right at the side of you .
Ohhh, I see.. yeah I've some some defense exercises using a similar move, they'd come to sucker punch ya from the side and we would use a wu sau and the slashing hand move for one side :)
So.. my legs and arms seem to be losing more and more strength each day.. I think i'm going to have to change my diet up a bit.. too much pizza and meat.. and greasy hashbrowns with cheese and brocoli and onions.. mmmmmmmm.. ack! so yeah.. anyone have some suggestions? Thanks in advance if so!
Buy a juicer and start juicing fruits and veggies. Also take some multi vatimins...

An Si-Je I understand what your saying now. I just did it at the computer and figured it out. Very interesting drill. We have drills similiar in YKS but we mostly do it straigt forward down the center. Like we have one where we do parallel punch and we also pivot with Tan Da. Thats when you turn your body while punching with the lead hand and Tan Sau with hand closet to your body.

Very interesting dril

So.. my legs and arms seem to be losing more and more strength each day.. I think i'm going to have to change my diet up a bit.. too much pizza and meat.. and greasy hashbrowns with cheese and brocoli and onions.. mmmmmmmm.. ack! so yeah.. anyone have some suggestions? Thanks in advance if so!
So.. my legs and arms seem to be losing more and more strength each day.. I think i'm going to have to change my diet up a bit.. too much pizza and meat.. and greasy hashbrowns with cheese and brocoli and onions.. mmmmmmmm.. ack! so yeah.. anyone have some suggestions? Thanks in advance if so!

My diet mostly consist of chicken, gound turkey, fish, vegies, pasta, and fruit.
Okay well try eating meat once a day or no more than twice. Like for lunch and dinner. The rest of time eat vegatables and rice, Noodles and Vegatables, Pasta with veggies. An maybe try some lamb from time to time instead of chicken and turkey...

My diet mostly consist of chicken, gound turkey, fish, vegies, pasta, and fruit.
So.. my legs and arms seem to be losing more and more strength each day.. I think i'm going to have to change my diet up a bit.. too much pizza and meat.. and greasy hashbrowns with cheese and brocoli and onions.. mmmmmmmm.. ack! so yeah.. anyone have some suggestions? Thanks in advance if so!

You need more veggies, fruits and carbohydrates. I like to make a big salad and keep it in the fridge so I can eat a bowl whenever I get hungry or such. A fruit salad or soup is handy to have in the fridge for snacks, and fillers in your day.
We'll make spagetti (replace the beef you put in the sause with ground turkey meat. ) or eat cold noodle salads, and make Chicken fettichini, or linguini.
Lots of salad and fruit will lighten your body up, poop all that greasy garbage out, and make you feel much more energetic.
I live with my mom and sis, and soon to be her bf, and yeah we make ground turkey spaghhetti like 3 times a week! lol, I eat an apple a day.. lots of pears and grapes too, usually more so in the summer/spring.. veggies Is a problem.. the only one I like is brocoli.. going to have to start eating some nasty veggies I guess, salads a great idea tho.. I like the thought of fruit salad too.. thanks for the help :D
Aww man I love Brocoli especially with some melted chees and pepper or some bad salt. But yea its the best goes great with nice season steak. Or some Venison. But I do like strean beans. You have to know how to cook em though. Also some Cabbage aint bad if they know how to cook em. Greens with enough salt is cool. I also like red beans and rice, jimabalya with beef, The best way to eat veggies is to mix it with rice...check this out...

Get you some carrots cut them really small, Get some white rice or brown rice, mix in some brocoli and some corn and some black beans. Get some good salsa to go with it or maybe some parmesan sauce. Season it with some pepper and some cheynne pepper. Ummm good,...

This will take your mind off it being vegatables. You have to add some spices. Mix it up like they do in the MMA. Rice and veggies are the best. Or you can take a small amount of veggies and put them in the blender along with a larger amount of fruits an make your healthy smoothie if you like...mix it up with some vanilla or strawberry ice cream. Take like some cucumbers,spinach,brocoli,totmatoes put them in the blender. Than take some bannans strawberries and some vanilla ice cream an blend a way. Use some organe juice or grape juice along with it...wooow...not only will it taste wounderful an give you some great energy but you will be on toilet no need to be backed up. It will clean your system out all the junk. I don't mean you will have diarra but you will use the bathroom atleast three times a day. Which is what your body is suppose to do.

I live with my mom and sis, and soon to be her bf, and yeah we make ground turkey spaghhetti like 3 times a week! lol, I eat an apple a day.. lots of pears and grapes too, usually more so in the summer/spring.. veggies Is a problem.. the only one I like is brocoli.. going to have to start eating some nasty veggies I guess, salads a great idea tho.. I like the thought of fruit salad too.. thanks for the help :D
Yea the best grape juice to make you poop regularly is




of course manicschewitz is a wine too but they also have grape juice that is non fermented...I love kedem for the taste but Manischewitz will clean your system out alot quicker. Two or three glasses of that an here comes the pooper...

here is a link for the wine.

You need more veggies, fruits and carbohydrates. I like to make a big salad and keep it in the fridge so I can eat a bowl whenever I get hungry or such. A fruit salad or soup is handy to have in the fridge for snacks, and fillers in your day.
We'll make spagetti (replace the beef you put in the sause with ground turkey meat. ) or eat cold noodle salads, and make Chicken fettichini, or linguini.
Lots of salad and fruit will lighten your body up, poop all that greasy garbage out, and make you feel much more energetic.
The trick to making veggies yummy:

1. don't steam them, (I hate that)
2. Cook them in deep skillet with butter(or margine) and/or lemon juice (depending on the veggie) season them with Italian seasoning, garlic, salt pepper, cilantro, onion, whatever is your favorite seasoning. Mix em up experiment.
3. mix 'em up in your dishes, i.e. stew, chinese style stir fry (with lots of sauce), casserols,
4. You can also cook them with bits of bacon , i.e. green beans are yummy this way, breakfast ham chunks, etc. get creative. ;)
5. get nice fattening and yummy salad dressing for your salads. French, 1,000 island, or my fav. ranch dressing.
Waht about raw veggies that have been clean properly...hmmmm goooooddd, Some Rice andsome spices. Along with lamb cubes or beef cubes. Or what about some lamb stew with some great spices and sauces...lol

The trick to making veggies yummy:

1. don't steam them, (I hate that)
2. Cook them in deep skillet with butter(or margine) and/or lemon juice (depending on the veggie) season them with Italian seasoning, garlic, salt pepper, cilantro, onion, whatever is your favorite seasoning. Mix em up experiment.
3. mix 'em up in your dishes, i.e. stew, chinese style stir fry (with lots of sauce), casserols,
4. You can also cook them with bits of bacon , i.e. green beans are yummy this way, breakfast ham chunks, etc. get creative. ;)
5. get nice fattening and yummy salad dressing for your salads. French, 1,000 island, or my fav. ranch dressing.