Wrestling and Such

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Master of Blades

Now my Brother is a Wrestling freak and I must admit I do enjoy watching it, but that is only a slight part of this thread. On a recent trip down here all the way from Nicaragua my Grandfather told my Brother that watching Wrestling was taking away his intelligence when he could be doing other more productive things etc. I myself do not see this at all :confused:

He then went on to tell us that we were probably "WASTING" ( :shrugs: ) a good few years of our lives on Computer and "Crap like this one Tv". He then went on to tell me that I would be a much more respectable member of society if I stopped watching Wrestling and playing Computer Games :rofl:

My argument was that how is watching something we ENJOY or playing something that we have CHOSEN to do instead of something else is a "waste" of our life?

So my question to you? Does this sort of thing take away intelligence? Are we really wasting our lives by choosing to do something we enjoy? :confused:

HELP! :wah:

And yes he is stuck in the past :disgust:
Ahhh, the good ole days when ya had to walk 5 miles to school in 3 feet of snow uphill both ways and were glad to do it. Every generation has heard this from a previous generation. My dad heard it about rock and roll, I heard it about heavy metal and my kids hear it from me about rap.
It doesn't become a problem until you allow it to keep you from growing and learning new things. Your granddad is doing what granddads do. I'm sure I'll do the same thing to my grand kids when I get some (that better be a long while). You aren't loosing intelligence by doing things you enjoy (unless what you enjoy doing is narcotics) but you may not be gaining as much knowledge as you could be.
Keep doing the things you enjoy, keep stuffing your brain with as much knowledge as you can...... and turn down that rap music:D
Well, if you watch any soap opera (pro wrestling as in WWF-type wrestling is under this group), I'm pretty sure you'll go numb in the brain. :D
IN MY DAY we only had CABLE for 1/2 the DAY! AND the REMOTE WAS ON A CORD! And Videogames were called PONG! (Damn I am showing my age)

You didnt WANT to play those all day! No sir! That Ball got annoying. AND I had to play pong Barefoot in the Snow, BOTH paddles!

Dunno about it making you STUPID... Ive been playing Videogames since I was like 10, thats like... uh... 31 Minus 10, uh, 5 YEARS! and I still have an IQ that would qualify for MENSA membership if I was actually enough of an Effite Snob to WANT to join Mensa.

They WILL, However make your @$$ Grow out of proportion to the rest of your body.
Youth obesity is at it's highest levels with Type II diabetes showing up in younger and younger people. It used to be only in the 40-and-over crowd. If watching TV and playing on the computer is taking away time doing something that provides exercise, then yes it's bad for you, physically and mentally. I'd like to see more people out there *doing* Kung Fu rather than playing games, *pretending* to do Kung Fu.

I have to agree, if your watching WWE/F you really are killing brain cells ;-)

Posting in Martial Talk on the other hand... now thats a productive use of time.

When I was growing up, there were only three TV channels...you needed an antenna...and It was broadcast from 6 am to 12 pm, except on Friday and Saturday nights when it stayed on until 1 am.


To make a long distance call, you called the operator and she called you back when she was able to get a connection (yes, SHE...guys didn't do that back then).

Cash registers had a handle on the side and little flags that would go up when something was rung up...there were no paper receipts and the cashier actually had to know simple math to count back change. Calculators? There were mechanical "adding-machines" but no calculators...

Tonka trucks were popular toys (but quite expensive relative to the income most of the people we knew made)...
A stick became a rifle...
Crab-apples were hand grenades...
and nobody wanted to BE the Bad-guy...

Most music, that was affordable, came in the form of 45 rpm vinyl records...one song on each side.

My favorite past-time was reading...still is.

In answer to your question...You won't rot your brain...but everything in Moderation...
