It would be nice....

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
if I could do all this RIGHT NOW!!!! :banghead:

The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More

ItÂ’s an irony of our modern lives that while technology is continually invented that saves us time, we use that time to do more and more things, and so our lives are more fast-paced and hectic than ever.

All technology does for me lately is cause me more work and require more of my time to LEARN about it so I can protect it, fix it or get rid of it :disgust:
Thank you, Xue. I have printed this out, will be printing several copies and putting them in various places in the house.

Master Bath Mirror

Framed in the Hall bathroom.

Inside of the front door.


Inside each kid's bedroom door.

On the computer screen.

On the TV screen.


In fact ... I think I'll disconnect for the day. Hold down the fort. ;)
Thank you, Xue. I have printed this out, will be printing several copies and putting them in various places in the house.

Master Bath Mirror

Framed in the Hall bathroom.

Inside of the front door.


Inside each kid's bedroom door.

On the computer screen.

On the TV screen.


In fact ... I think I'll disconnect for the day. Hold down the fort. ;)

I will hold the fort until 5:00, after that I am seriously considering disconnecting until Monday or longer
Well MT

It’s been a rough week…. I’m tired, I’m spent, I’m burned out and I am going to try and follow the advice of the page I linked above and take the weekend off from all things computer (if that is at all possible), sadly I can’t throw my cell phone in the nearest river, but I sure can shut this PC off….. I am going to spend my weekend looking at house, playing with the kids, working around the yard and doing taijiquan…. I’m out :bangahead:


Or as they say in Mandarin yī huĭr jiàn :asian:
Turn off the computer, no way. MT is my relaxation, my dojo away from the dojo. The news paper is junk, TV is no better. On MT I can stay current on everything from soup to nuts, and sit and relax at the same time, while chatting with friends.

All kidding aside, thanks for the 10 essentials, you may have added a few more years to my life.