Would you help?

True enough, I've had a rough weekend, my aughter was rushed into hospital Saturday with a life threatening condition none of us knew about, started simply as a pain and swelling in the right side of her face, it got worse until she was sobbing with pain and the swelling was spreading over her face, even her eyelid was closing. To start with the docs didn't know what it was, infection in sinus, cellulitus etc she couldn't keep any meds down either then they spotted a small dental abcess on the scans (she hadn't had toothache), she had emergency op to remove tooth and was on a drip with antibiotics and pain killers. It's horrible watching your children suffer, absolutely gut wrenching... then this guy posts on here about his 'heroics' his martial arts antics and how wise, humble he is etc and tbh I want to throw up.
she's out of hosptial today, the eye specialists has looked at her eyes and said they are ok, all the rest checks out ok now too but it seems a man died of this a couple of months ago, he thought he had earache no dental pain either. My daughter had a little chip on the tooth, a little sensitivity but no pain and the other docs had checked her teeth no pain etc. It's been a scary time. Really scary, not made up scary, crawl in a corner and cry scary so false and made up heroics aren't going to wash with me today I'm afraid. I'm not in the mood for 'how great am I'

Dental abcesses can be far more serious than people tend to think. It's relatively easy for infections in the teeth or sinuses to form brain abcesses.

I tend to agree with your response to Alex's posts.
True enough, I've had a rough weekend, my aughter was rushed into hospital Saturday with a life threatening condition none of us knew about, started simply as a pain and swelling in the right side of her face, it got worse until she was sobbing with pain and the swelling was spreading over her face, even her eyelid was closing. To start with the docs didn't know what it was, infection in sinus, cellulitus etc she couldn't keep any meds down either then they spotted a small dental abcess on the scans (she hadn't had toothache), she had emergency op to remove tooth and was on a drip with antibiotics and pain killers. It's horrible watching your children suffer, absolutely gut wrenching... then this guy posts on here about his 'heroics' his martial arts antics and how wise, humble he is etc and tbh I want to throw up.
she's out of hosptial today, the eye specialists has looked at her eyes and said they are ok, all the rest checks out ok now too but it seems a man died of this a couple of months ago, he thought he had earache no dental pain either. My daughter had a little chip on the tooth, a little sensitivity but no pain and the other docs had checked her teeth no pain etc. It's been a scary time. Really scary, not made up scary, crawl in a corner and cry scary so false and made up heroics aren't going to wash with me today I'm afraid. I'm not in the mood for 'how great am I'

I'm glad she's okay, Tez.
I'm glad she's okay, Tez.

Cheers, she's 26 but still my baby!
Alex is younger and when he talks about putting himself in all this danger and is lucky he wasn't shot etc the mother in me cringes so much. Please please, think of your parents if nothing else, we never stop caring about our kids, they are always our babies even when our kids are old!
Tez3 - I'm so glad your daughter is OK now. That must have been very scary indeed.

I hope Zenjael reads you post on your opinion of him. I agree, I think he is not a bad person. I just he is dealing with his image of himself and how others perceive him, and that he needs to rethink how he is perceived. Then he can decide if he thinks he might want to change anything.
Tez3 - I'm so glad your daughter is OK now. That must have been very scary indeed.

I hope Zenjael reads you post on your opinion of him. I agree, I think he is not a bad person. I just he is dealing with his image of himself and how others perceive him, and that he needs to rethink how he is perceived. Then he can decide if he thinks he might want to change anything.

Thank you, I was fine while it was all going on but have the shakes now!

We have lads like Zenjael coming into our MMA club, they think that to fit in they have to be macho and 'streetwise' with 'street' fights under their belts, actually we love having beginners in. We love what we do and love sharing it, someone who comes in knowing nothing about martial arts or MMA but is willing to learn is a joy to teach. If they have experience of martial arts it's great sharing it, we don't sit around talking about the street stuff we've been in, most of us haven't and John our conditioning coach doesn't leave anyone any breath to talk anyway! Now John is a hard man! He's a Sgt.Maj in the Scots Guards with tours of Ireland, Iraq and Afghan under his belt as well as being in a hard regiment! Have to have a thread drift here lol, this is John last week at Craig, his second son's Passing Out parade, Craig also trains with us and has a good MMA record. I can't imagine what the Basic Training Staff thought when he turned up in uniform to watch his son! Zenjael, if as you say you are going to be joining up, you really need to watch what you say, John has equally mean counterparts in the American forces!

Yikes, Tez! Scary indeed! *Phew* glad she's doing better! That worry over their lives just never ends, does it? ((hugs))
Thank you, I was fine while it was all going on but have the shakes now!

We have lads like Zenjael coming into our MMA club, they think that to fit in they have to be macho and 'streetwise' with 'street' fights under their belts, actually we love having beginners in. We love what we do and love sharing it, someone who comes in knowing nothing about martial arts or MMA but is willing to learn is a joy to teach. If they have experience of martial arts it's great sharing it, we don't sit around talking about the street stuff we've been in, most of us haven't and John our conditioning coach doesn't leave anyone any breath to talk anyway! Now John is a hard man! He's a Sgt.Maj in the Scots Guards with tours of Ireland, Iraq and Afghan under his belt as well as being in a hard regiment! Have to have a thread drift here lol, this is John last week at Craig, his second son's Passing Out parade, Craig also trains with us and has a good MMA record. I can't imagine what the Basic Training Staff thought when he turned up in uniform to watch his son! Zenjael, if as you say you are going to be joining up, you really need to watch what you say, John has equally mean counterparts in the American forces!


Awwwh, listen how you talk about him. He looks like such a nice, sweet, innocent and easy going guy, that Sgt.Maj or yours. How can you imply otherwise? :uhyeah: :uhyeah: :uhyeah:

He does look fit as well. No doubt him showing, especially if unanounced, must have put a lump in some of the training staff's throats. :uhyeah:

Good on his son.
Wow Tez, I am so glad your daughter is all right. It certainly does put things into perspective...or should.
Wow Tez, I am so glad your daughter is all right. It certainly does put things into perspective...or should.

It scared me stupid I can tell you and I imagine the same feelings going through a certain young man who posts here's mother if half of what he says is true! Young, drunk, facing down criminals, taking drugs, fighting mates when drunk, lieing to the police, out in places where he gets mugged etc etc c'mon either these are all stories or this young man needs to seriously get a grip of himself.
I never answered the OP's question.

It *really* depends. About 99% of the time, I call 911 if necessary. Sometimes it really does only take people who don't want to be seen or noticed having an uninterrupted, dedicated pair of eyes on them to either thwart an attempt or dissolve a conflict. I did, while driving, encounter two neighbor women fighting. As soon as they noticed I stopped and was watching, phone in hand, they ceased. I think it was a wake-up moment for them, I don't think I'm particularly intimidating (my daughter's ex-boyfriends may argue with that).

If a neighbor I recognized came to my door in the state described in the OP, I'd likely let them in, but I'd never assume my actions would be a substitute for calling 911.

A good friend, child (if an appropriate situation), relative ... sure, I'd help them out.
Hmmm...sometimes it is the wrong thing to do when you just try to help out a little...


Owens “fussed at some kids” playing basketball on Saturday night – they were playing in the road. The children reportedly left and “a group of adults returned, armed with everything but the kitchen sink.” They beat Owens with objects including pipes, paint cans, brass buckles, and chairs. Cpl. Chris Levy of the Mobile Police Department said there were “a ton of people there, but for some reason, not a lot of details were given to investigators that night. Somebody knows what happened.”

Owens is in critical condition; according to Parker, he has “bleeding on his brain.”
Well...the kids were playing in the street and he "fussed," at them to get out of the street, and the people in the neighborhood didn't say thanks for looking out for the kids by getting them out of the street, they attacked and brutally beat him. This goes to "would you help," someone and what could happen if you step up. You could also ask George Zimmerman about looking out for his neighbor hood and what happened to him.
well I'm way out of the loop with current events... my new job doesn't allow for much conventional news watching time, quick google search fixed that though!
Always help those weaker than yourself who are in need of help.
This is a sentiment more in line with comic book superheroes rather than a decent recommendation for real life. Real life is never black and white. Here's a scenario for you to illustrate ... you observe a skinny white kid (name begins with Z :) ) going over to a gang of large blacks. He stands and harrasses them and picks a fight. They start to beat him up. Now you've got someone weaker than you that is in need of help. Sorry, but I'm not going to put myself into harms way to help him with a situation he purposely put himself into. Every situation has to be faced on its own merits, and all of us have to consider each situation and its unique parameters.

As for the OPs situation, I think it's deplorable, but it is a symptom of today's society. People are told all the time to keep themselves safe, and let the professionals handle things. This has led to a large portion of our society being afraid of their own shadows, and reluctant to think for themselves. A truly cynical outlook I know, but it today seems to be a cynical day for me. :)

P.S. Glad your daughter is going to be OK Tez!

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