Would you date a person who's parent is a martial arts instructor?

Drac said:
It couldn't be any worse than dating a cop's daughter...

Ooh Yeah! They are usually very wild and get you into lot's of trouble. daddy always looks at them as innocent, and you as the corrupting force.
Hand Sword said:
Ooh Yeah! They are usually very wild and get you into lot's of trouble. daddy always looks at them as innocent, and you as the corrupting force.

Me thinks we've been down the same road..
bobster_ice said:
I would love to date my TKD instructors daughter, She is hot and I think she likes me :)

The Instructor will probably bestow a new title on you "Uke For Life"..LOL
It couldn't be worse than a typical father... Then again, my dad used to be in the military, my brothers (by the way, were too), all of whom insisted they met and have a "chat"... Oh yeah- my dad and brothers own guns, and to say that they're protective would be an understatement of the century...
Late? I've never known a martial artist to be late. :rolleyes:

Some martial artists have been late, like me-for instance. I've had detention several times in high school because I was late for class.

Anyway, back to the discussion: I wouldn't have a problem with dating the son of a martial arts instructor. Who knows, could be cool, right? :)
Geez guys... with two daughters of my own (who aren't even close to dating age, so don't ask!), I'd hope there'd be an intimidation factor in play...

I really like the idea of making it mandatory that anyone who wants to date my daughter has to go to a few classes... visual cues are much more effective than threats. :whip:
Geez guys... with two daughters of my own (who aren't even close to dating age, so don't ask!), I'd hope there'd be an intimidation factor in play...

Some of these punk kids just coming up on dating age aren't quick to pick up on visual clues and aren't easly intimidated..
Some of these punk kids just coming up on dating age aren't quick to pick up on visual clues and aren't easly intimidated..

Surely that's where learning jiu-jutsu holds comes in handy... intense pain with no telltale marks left... :mst:
I just thought I would throw this in here: "Karate is for self-defense only" (that's the quote but I'm pretty sure it applies to kung-fu, taekwan do etc. as well).
If a parent is there to witness something violent happening to their child, they would have my green flag to defend their child. If they hear about something bad that happened to their son or daughter and decide to "take revenge" or "teach that ****** a lesson", then, in my opinion, they have failed as a martial artist and need to seriously evaluate their training and look at the fundamentals and what their instructor taught them. Not to mention any angry dad can come after you with a bat, martial arts or not, and beat seven shades of $*** out of you. Or mom for that matter. I think it might be intimidating for some, but I look at it as a chance to get a few pointers. Plus I have nothing to fear as I am respectful. Martial artists can't really dodge bullets either. They're people like you and me.

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