Would you buy tapes from an instructor...

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Would you buy tapes from an instructor you have a personal problem with?

  • Yes, tapes are tapes.

  • No way! Forget this guy!

  • I'd buy them secondhand from someone else.

  • I'd borrow and copy them (Illegal! Don't do that!)

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Would you buy tapes from an instructor who you think is a tool?

I am considering purchasing some videos that I've heard are very good from an instructor who is, from my limited experience with him, a total tool. He has even publically insulted one of my instructors, who he has a long history with.

The product in question is unique and said to be very good. It is very relevant to my curent training and would be a helpful topic to have a tape for.

On the one hand, business is business, and I hear his products are very helpful.

On the other hand, I have *NO* desire to financially aid this person.

What would you do?


PS - Let's keep this totally without namecalling. I didn't post names because I don't think it matters who I'm talking about. I'm asking the question in general because I'd like general replies. Thank you.
You only have to ask yourself this question. Who will benefit more from these tapes? The person I buy them from or myself?
I say yes, but that is assuming that the material is good stuff. If you can learn something off it maybe it would be better to buy the tape if you have a problem with the instructor. Then you wouldn't have to deal with the guy, or say something to make matters worse.
From what you said, it sounds like he has an opinion that he has shared and his opinion/belief differs from your own. He has that right. He even has the right to be a total tool about it.

It is a matter of principle. He has an opinion that differs from your own and you aren't sure if you should support him. It depends. Do the tapes help propogate his opinion? If so then you should probably not buy them. If the tapes and your purchase of the tapes only serve to propogate his knowledge and skill which you respect, it is a non-issue.

During the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom there was the whole deal with the dixie chicks. They had an opinion that the majority of the country didn't agree with and so when they used the stage as a platform to propogate that opinion they lost a lot of support. It was never their full intent to use the stage as a means to spread their political agenda (instead I think they are more focused on awareness for battered women, which is a noble cause) and so they haven't suffered too much.

The difference between that incident and what you are facing is that the instructor is probably not using the tapes/his stage as a platform to propogate his opinions. If you agree with what he does present on his stage then you should support him and not concern yourself with your differences in opinion or the personality clash.

I dunno if that makes sense or helps, but I tried...

Originally posted by twinkletoes
He has even publically insulted one of my instructors, who he has a long history with.

I don't know the whole story but, if he insulted your instructor why would you even want to support this guy? I'm sure if you did some research you would be able to find a different tape that could show you the same information. Then again I could be wrong but I still wouldn't buy it. I mean, back in the old days if someone insulted a person's instructor or master didn't the schools have to fight for honor or something? :D
In reverse order:


That was my original thought, except that my instructor in no way needs my help to fight that battle. But it still doesn't make me want to do anything for this guy, obviously. And the tapes I'm looking at are unique.


I understand what you mean. In my case, it goes a little beyond opinions. He is a competitor of my instructor's, and starts ***** with him publicly over private issues. The fact that I feel that he is in the wrong over *all* of the issues I've seen is coincidental. The competition and public harassment is more the issue (the irony is that my instructor is his senior).


That was one thing I thought about too--I'd much rather just buy the tape than have to actually deal with the guy. On the other hand, I probably could take a couple private lessons with my instructor (for much more money than buying the tapes) and ask to learn the same info. But I like having tapes I can watch, so that's where it gets hairy...


I like that answer. I will have to think on that.


I would. If his material and his training is quality, id go for it, even if I had a personal probelm with the person.

I may not like my enemies, but if I can learn somthing fo value from them, I'll pay attention...
Buy them second hand off E-bay. If you feel they have information you can benefit from there is no reason to punish yourself.
there have been some good points made.

however, keep in mind that there are two sides to every story. You may not know the whole truth about what happened.

Duly noted. I don't mean for this thread to be about "what this guy did/said." I have seen enough with my own eyes, however, to know that even if there is more to the story, this guy is a monkeyspank. Hence the original question. :D

Actually I have tapes from a former instuctor and I don't even want to see his face!

All the material we will ever need is available out there. There is no need to buy from someone you don't like. No one has a monopoly on technique!

it would depend more on the material than the instructor. if the guy knows his stuff thaen i think it would be worth it. then again.. who wants to watch a guy you despise. it's your call:confused:
Originally posted by Shinzu
it would depend more on the material than the instructor. if the guy knows his stuff thaen i think it would be worth it. then again.. who wants to watch a guy you despise. it's your call:confused:

Good points. I don't hate or dispise my former instructor. He just did something that I took as very personal, enough for me to not go back (thats all I'm saying good or bad).

I have several tapes of his and they are good for referance but I won't be sending any more money his way.

tapes become very valueable if done by someone who really understands their art. even if they are different outside the dojo.
This can be a tricky situation. If tapes are available for purchase, and purchase is optional, that's OK. However, I have been in situations where purchase of a tape produced by an instructor has been mandatory, and that is not right. (And P.S. - his tape sucked. I could make a better tape. This tape is to laugh at.) I would be highly suspiscious of an instructor who dissed any other teacher. I just switched schools, for a variety of reasons. Looking back on it, I should have realized that the instructor who foisted the crappy tape on me was not a person I could respect.
I would do that. I like the ebay idea, though I haven't used it myself, I may -

I would search for the information elsewhere first, try a different method for obtaining the techniques. Then try for his tape used, ebay etc. finally, if it is unique and unavailable elsewhere, then purchase the mans tape - if they are techniques you need/want, that is more important than the personal difference, in most cases.

You mentioned that you could probably pay your instructor for one on one time and get the same techs - even if it is more expensive, this idea has some appeal to me - no tape is a substitute for feeling the technique and applying it against someone who knows it and can give you instant feedback. That seems worth the extra money to me.

And perhaps, if you take that route, your instructor will allow you to video it, that way you have the personal instruction plus a tape for reference later on - and if you have the time and resources to make the tape a pretty slick affair, you (and your instructor) could market it and provide an alternate source for others who don't want to deal with the tool...