World's Strongest Men/Top Weightlifters in UFC and Pride?

MJS said:
And if I took steriods, I'd be "super human" too!!! As I said in my first post, there is only so much strength that one can gain by just lifting weights. That extra strength is going to come from enhancement!!!

Oh no...lets not start turning this into another animal thread. First, the one shot one kill is something that should not be relied on. Technique shouldnt be totally underestimated. Look at Rickson. Again, I'm sure that hes fought guys bigger and stronger and he still comes out on top. People train in the arts to give themselves an edge over the untrained person. If all it took to succeed was hitting the 'juice' then there would be no MA schools open. Everybody, big and small has weak spots.

How can you stay at a distance and still reach with strikes??

Mike...your right, performance enhancing drugs and steroids can make a person super human. However, I donÂ’t think steroids will reach you to the extent of a World's Strongest Man. I am not saying strength can't overcome technique. It's just that these men are too strong I think. Can you imagine how painful it would be to be hit or thrown by a man that can haul 6 cars? Even with all your many years of training, it would definitely cripple.
the simple matter is Sapp is not that good. He has lost to every good oppenant along the way. He was marketed well and also protected by K-1 looking to cash in on his freakish apperance. As to the thread, I doubt very seriously that the WSM could make any diffrence. It is one thing to pick up and carry something heavy, it is a whole other thing to have endurance when you are getting hit and hurt by a superior fighter, or trying to escape submissions. It would just be a freak show where a good fighter would wear them down and hurt them bad.
when you talk about the strength to haul ten cars you're talking full body strength and very slow, strong movements...

a strike is a different type of motion all together...yes they are strong...and if you don't think steroids will get you as far as world's strongest've got another thing's awfully hard to get there without steroids...

my point is that extremely muscle bound people usually have a very limited range of motion...some can barely tie their own shoes...and i'm not lying...

martial arts are all about speed, accuracy and's the difference between a standing in front of a train moving five miles an hour and a won't be able to stop either one...but you'll be able to dodge the train
Kane said:
Mike...your right, performance enhancing drugs and steroids can make a person super human. However, I donÂ’t think steroids will reach you to the extent of a World's Strongest Man. I am not saying strength can't overcome technique. It's just that these men are too strong I think.

You know, anything is possible. I'm not an expert on steriods, and certainly we're not clones, so as for someones body style, again, anything is possible.

Can you imagine how painful it would be to be hit or thrown by a man that can haul 6 cars? Even with all your many years of training, it would definitely cripple.

Yes, I'm sure it would hurt, and I certainly would not stand there and trade punches with someone like that. I'd defiantely look for some alternate things to do. The arts certainly don't turn you into supermen, but they do give an advantage. Its hard to predict the outcome. That chess game comes to mind again! :)

punisher73 said:
I added a "but" concerning the UFC/Pride which Coleman and Kerr are apart of the best of the best, and added that I would pick them over the majority of MAers, which I still stick by. Ialso never put a time frame on how long their training was, let alone 4 months for a contest like UFC/Pride.

Coleman and Ker etc aren't exactly tiny guys regardless. With the weight classes and all, I can't see how they'd manage to avoid facing up against career wrestlers and the like close to their own size. At that point, I can't see they'd have a great (meaning useful) strength advantage.
It takes more than physical strength to be proficient at fighting. Fighting is 99% mental and 1% physical when it comes down to it. A person could be the strongest in the world, but if they dont have the mentality to stand toe to toe with someone, they will not win. They may have a lot of power when hitting a punching bag, but when they are in a situation that is going to be violent, they dont hit very hard. The mental aspect must come first, then worry about the physical.
I agree that strength is a factor, but as for equalizing it, I'm not so sure. Look at UFC 7 with Ruas and Varleans. Paul was taller and appeared to be stornger than Ruas, but Ruas' tech. was much more superior than Pauls.

What is the secret to Rickson Gracies success in the ring? I mean, I can't believe that he has never fought people bigger and stronger than him, yet he always comes out on top.

Again, I'm not disputing what you're saying, just simply looking at it from a different point. IMO, when you have people close in skill/strength, I would think it would turn into more of a chess game. Who can out think the other.

Another, and pehaps the best example, is Kimo vs. Gracie in UFC 3. The strength of Kimo was at times, overbearing for Gracie, but in the end, he had the chance to break his arm. And Royce is scrawny....
8253 said:
It takes more than physical strength to be proficient at fighting. Fighting is 99% mental and 1% physical when it comes down to it. A person could be the strongest in the world, but if they dont have the mentality to stand toe to toe with someone, they will not win. They may have a lot of power when hitting a punching bag, but when they are in a situation that is going to be violent, they dont hit very hard. The mental aspect must come first, then worry about the physical.
i believe your thoughts hold true for a self-defense situation where remaing calm and suprise are your greatest assets...not strength...

but in a competition arena...physical fitness and conditioning are of utmost importance..a great deal of mental preperation for sure...but ufc matches can be long drown out situations like this the person with the most endurance is usually the winner...people sometimes see these things and say "well, i could do that"...and they don't realize that the type of shape you have to be in to compete professionally in any sport is unbelievable...
Thats correct! Stamina is a very big part of success in MMA. Look at Tank. That is a perfect example. Yes, he is a big, strong man, but his cardio sucks! There have been a few events where he actually admitted putting in alot of training, and he even looked like he'd lost some weight. However, if you don't maintain it, its useless.

Another example is Vitor. While his cardio is obviously much better than Tank, he under estimated Randy, whos cardio is awesome! The majority of Vitors fights were over very fast, but when he got to Randy, he got pushed beyond what he'd expected.

...I think many of the WSM(worlds strongest men) could win some fights.Just look at k1.Bob Sapp who is just a fat football player(in MY opinion that is all he is) was able to win some fights.And now imagine a big muscle man who has alot more power than bob.And the weight is the I think so.
I don't know much about grabbling, but it is really hard to imagine for me that you can take a guy like WSM in a armlock or something.I know some police men and i have heard stories about big powerfull guys like that.When two men try to take a big guy like that into an armlock.Later on they had to use the pfeferspray to make him cooperate. I do belive that you need power to performe thouse "ahhh so fameouse"take downs and grabling.
Tho the big guys have no thecnique and speed they still have the power and weight when they get lucky they can win.Maybe not against the very elite fighters who are really good at punching and kicking.
Anyway i belive that WSM can win fights in UFC&Pride.

sorry for many spelling and grammar errors and for the confuseing post(im still learning)
red_herring said:
...I think many of the WSM(worlds strongest men) could win some fights.Just look at k1.Bob Sapp who is just a fat football player(in MY opinion that is all he is) was able to win some fights.And now imagine a big muscle man who has alot more power than bob.And the weight is the I think so.
I don't know much about grabbling, but it is really hard to imagine for me that you can take a guy like WSM in a armlock or something.I know some police men and i have heard stories about big powerfull guys like that.When two men try to take a big guy like that into an armlock.Later on they had to use the pfeferspray to make him cooperate. I do belive that you need power to performe thouse "ahhh so fameouse"take downs and grabling.
Tho the big guys have no thecnique and speed they still have the power and weight when they get lucky they can win.Maybe not against the very elite fighters who are really good at punching and kicking.
Anyway i belive that WSM can win fights in UFC&Pride.

sorry for many spelling and grammar errors and for the confuseing post(im still learning)

Again, while strength plays a part, there is also a certian amount of tech. that comes into play. Many of Royce Gracies opps. were bigger than him, but the superior tech. won over the superior strength. If strength was all it took, then everybody would abandon their training and just hit the gym and the "juice" to get big and strong.

K-1 Romanex:
Bob Sapp got knocked on his butt by Kazuyuki Fujita. then, Fujita stomped the hell outa him until he tapped. Bob Sapp (fat, strong football player) got the crap beat outa him. Sapp has great for show, but he doesnt have any substantial victories. He just had small opponents. Fujita has winds over mark Kerr and Ken shamrock, but has lost to Coleman, Mirko "crocop" (2 times) and Fedor. Big guys arent always good guys.Sapp's fighting style is "NFL".

PS I want to learn NFL-Jutsu. JK.
Shogun said:
K-1 Romanex:
Bob Sapp got knocked on his butt by Kazuyuki Fujita. then, Fujita stomped the hell outa him until he tapped. Bob Sapp (fat, strong football player) got the crap beat outa him. Sapp has great for show, but he doesnt have any substantial victories. He just had small opponents. Fujita has winds over mark Kerr and Ken shamrock, but has lost to Coleman, Mirko "crocop" (2 times) and Fedor. Big guys arent always good guys.Sapp's fighting style is "NFL".

PS I want to learn NFL-Jutsu. JK.
Yes,you are right...but I ment that bob is just fat and not that strong(it seems so).I have not seen any really strong fighters in k1 or free fight only big not powerful.Im going to gym with a guy who is 20kg lighter than me but he can do many things(except shoulders) with the same weight as me.I want to say that sixe dosen't mean power.But the WSM have power that is for sure(+size)
I don't think Mirko Cro Cop(spelling)or some other fighter with tecnique like that would lose to a WSM but many of the fighters would i think:)
Sapp is a joke in K-1 he uses illegal blows gasses out in the middle of the round and stands there like a joke. His wins are mostly questionable at best. Ps Worlds strongest men are probley stronger then Sapp by the way he has been training for over 2 years with Morice Smith and company.

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