World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2008

This year's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day will take place on Saturday, April 26. Anybody here planning to do something for that day?
I plan to watch cartoons like every Saturday. I suppose there is merit in this event in having the chance to explore concepts and get together with other like minded individuals. The saying of before enlightment chop wood after enlightment chop wood echoes how I feel about this event. For me I perfer cartoons.
This year's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day will take place on Saturday, April 26. Anybody here planning to do something for that day?

Hi y'all,
I am having trouble navigating the website above. I'm trying to find any events in or around Portland, Oregon, USA. If anyone here could be of any help, it would be greatly appriciated. Please e-mail me if you can, as my access to MT is spotty at the moment.
I think that time needs to be spent on reading up on the history of recent china (since the 40's up to today) and how many of the martial arts schools were destroyed by the government, how Taoism was nearly whiped out of existence, and how many martial arts schools had to flee many parts of china in order to survive. If there is doubt of the gov. shelling martial arts students in china years ago then it's time for a history lesson especially when any PBS documentary will show you a lot of the recent ruins from famous martial arts schools and temples that were burned to the ground by the gov. Even today in China, the big topic of human rights violations is a dark cloud over the Olympics and citizens are being jailed for 3-10 years just for speaking out against the government even though there is supposed to be free speech over there.... I am by no means bashing China, I'm just saying that a reality check is needed...

Umm.. yes you should read up a lot on it because if you are putting these forth as proof

You REALLY need to get a MUCH more reliable source than Fulan Gong. MOST of what they write is propaganda at best.

If I had more time I would write a much longer post about the propaganda they spread and the fact that they are a cult that many in the US have bought into hook line and sinker because it is SOOOOO much easier to believe that China is doing this to Fulan Gong that to believe the truth of it that they are in fact mostly spreading lies and a cult.

I have studied Chinese history, ancient to recent extensively and I can tell you that your view of Chinese recent history is more than a bit off. You continue to refer to the 40s while pointing the finger at the PRC and I have already said (and this is historic fact) that the PRC did not come to power until 1949. Much of the 40s was spent fighting the Japanese in China. And if you are looking for atrocities against ALL Chinese, marital artist included, look to the 40s and the JAPANESE occupation not the Peoples Republic of China, it did not exist in the 40s

Legitamate Taoist temples are not being destroyed in China today and have not been for at least 20 years or more. Where they attacked? Sure they were, but now there is a rather large one operating right in the middle of Beijing. It was there prior to the cultural revolution but it did not do so good during the cultural revolution but then the forbidden city almost got destroyed during the cultural revolution and if it were not for Zhou Enlai it would have been and Fulan Gong will NEVER tell you that.
Falung Gong actually has nothing at all to do w/ my point... The group could have been old ladies playing chess for all I care... The point was that China is still doing today what they did in the past... Violating human rights.... And this is PBS doing this documentary on China's human rights violations and religious/spiritual controling nature. Falung Gong just by chance happened to be one of the many groups/practices that were listed that I clicked on. If they are a satanic cult do they deserve to get beaten, jailed, and torchured? You would think in this day and age that people can go outside and exercise as they see fit with out getting a billy club to the head, but apparently I'm wrong.

Perhaps I am taking this a bit too much to heart since I'm African American and I have faced a lot of racisim in my time and I'm only 30 years young... My mother was one of the 1st blacks in her highschool and was thrown down stairs, beaten and even escorted to classes by the military. So when it comes to individual rights, it's a bit of a soar spot for me.
Falung Gong actually has nothing at all to do w/ my point... The group could have been old ladies playing chess for all I care... The point was that China is still doing today what they did in the past... Violating human rights.... And this is PBS doing this documentary on China's human rights violations and religious/spiritual controling nature. Falung Gong just by chance happened to be one of the many groups/practices that were listed that I clicked on. If they are a satanic cult do they deserve to get beaten, jailed, and torchured? You would think in this day and age that people can go outside and exercise as they see fit with out getting a billy club to the head, but apparently I'm wrong.

People can go out and exercise and practice religion in China, my mother-in-law is a devout and practicing Buddhist in Beijing, go to any park in the morning in Beijing you will see thousands of people doing all sorts of martial arts, the majority is taijiquan. You will also see swing dancing, waltzing, traditional music and a host of other things too. But not one case of government forces rolling in to suppress, oppress or kill anyone.

Baiyun Guan is the Taoist temple in the Middle of Beijing and every single Taoist holy day it is PACKED with people and no one is beaten or oppressed. I went to a very old (there before Columbus sailed off to bump into North America) Buddhist temple on a mountaintop outside of Beijing and it was beautiful, and it was full of monks and worshippers and on Buddhist holy days it is packed. There was a government official there that day but he to was there for worship, not oppression or give out public beatings

But if you decide to mount a protest because the government refused to recognize you religion as the one and only true religion in China as well as not take the little doll that was suppose to represent god seriously by going to Tiananmen square and protesting (after the Tiananmen square problem) you are going to get arrested. As a matter of fact one of the quickest ways to get arrested in Beijing these days it to protest, or hand out flyers of protest in Tiananmen. And then if you follow up this protest with making a human chain and blocking a major road into Tiananmen (if memory serves it is about 8 lanes wide) you will once again get arrested. But what was amazing is that when the police went to look for the head of Fulan Gong he was already on a plan to the US with all his followers’ cash and when he landed in the US screamed religious oppression and got political asylum. So the US bought the whole thing hook line and sinker and gave a cult leader asylum.

Things in China are far from perfect and they have and do commit human rights violations but in many cases of religion it comes down to if you don't get in their face with it they tend to ignore it. Not a good thing and certainly not what we have in the west but it is pretty well known throughout China that this is how it works. You want to be a Christian, Taoist, Buddhist, Catholic, Satanist in China great go for it, just don't go out and make a public spectacle that disrupt day to day operations.

There are a lot of bad things done in China; there are a lot of bad things done in the US too. But you also have to take into account that not all the news you see here is 100% true as it concerns China and the same can be said for the news in China as it concerns the US.

Rights in China are a strange thing, they are no where near as oppressive as we in the west think and they are nowhere as near free as many in China think, and most, in China, will never know or care. But on average day to day life in Beijing (the capital of China) is far from oppressed and I have not seen a single beating or mortar attack. It is pretty much capitalism gone wild these days. But if you are a member of Fulan Gong it is likely they know where you live and if you try and go to a park to pass out flyers or recruit others into it you will then see the police show up, but I have not seen it. And a great way to get many Chinese to avoid you completely becuase they think you are a bit nuts is to go around telling everyone you are a member of Fulan Gong.
I think that time needs to be spent on reading up on the history of recent china (since the 40's up to today) and how many of the martial arts schools were destroyed by the government, how Taoism was nearly whiped out of existence, and how many martial arts schools had to flee many parts of china in order to survive. If there is doubt of the gov. shelling martial arts students in china years ago then it's time for a history lesson especially when any PBS documentary will show you a lot of the recent ruins from famous martial arts schools and temples that were burned to the ground by the gov. Even today in China, the big topic of human rights violations is a dark cloud over the Olympics and citizens are being jailed for 3-10 years just for speaking out against the government even though there is supposed to be free speech over there.... I am by no means bashing China, I'm just saying that a reality check is needed...

Your "reality check" just bounced.

I asked a simple question.... please tell us when/where/why/details of your allegation of a government breaking up a Tai Chi practice with mortar fire.

Can you substantiate your story, or can't you? Simple, actually.

Funny, it seems more and more that specifics elude you when a sharp inquiry is made...
Falung Gong actually has nothing at all to do w/ my point... The group could have been old ladies playing chess for all I care... The point was that China is still doing today what they did in the past... Violating human rights.... And this is PBS doing this documentary on China's human rights violations and religious/spiritual controling nature. Falung Gong just by chance happened to be one of the many groups/practices that were listed that I clicked on. If they are a satanic cult do they deserve to get beaten, jailed, and torchured? You would think in this day and age that people can go outside and exercise as they see fit with out getting a billy club to the head, but apparently I'm wrong.

Regardless of what China's human rights record may be, the bottom line is that the World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is an event with its origins in the USA. The Chinese government is not behind this event. If you think it is, go ahead and present the evidence.

The World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is an event that has been established for the purpose of raising awareness of the health benefits that can be derived from the practice of Tai Chi & Qigong. The event was started by a Tai Chi practitioner by the name of Bill Douglass in Kansas 10 years ago. If you know something I don't know, please share the facts.
Regardless of what China's human rights record may be, the bottom line is that the World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is an event with its origins in the USA. The Chinese government is not behind this event. If you think it is, go ahead and present the evidence.

The World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is an event that has been established for the purpose of raising awareness of the health benefits that can be derived from the practice of Tai Chi & Qigong. The event was started by a Tai Chi practitioner by the name of Bill Douglass in Kansas 10 years ago. If you know something I don't know, please share the facts.

Thank you, I was wondering where it came form and what it was about.

I am also equally sure that the PRC has nothing to do with it.
On World Tai Chi & Qigong Day in Olympia, Washington, there usually is a gathering of people from the area's Taiji schools at the East Capitol Campus. There are a variety of Taiji styles represented, but the majority seem to be associated with the Dong Family.

Usually, it starts with all of the schools practicing their basic form together, then the schools put on demonstrations of their other forms. The past two years, we've had someone lead us through some taiji ruler exercises.

We had around forty people there last year. This year I'm hoping we have more.
Your "reality check" just bounced.

I asked a simple question.... please tell us when/where/why/details of your allegation of a government breaking up a Tai Chi practice with mortar fire.

Can you substantiate your story, or can't you? Simple, actually.

Funny, it seems more and more that specifics elude you when a sharp inquiry is made...

Anybody notice the deafening silence to the specifics requested? Not just my points, either.

Simply and directly put, what I see from TTCS reminds me of an old Deep Purple standard.... Smoke on the Water.
I have nothing against World Taiji day, I donÂ’t participate in it, but I have nothing against it.

But a thought just hit meÂ… Can you imagine a world Sanda day or a world Bajiquan day or a world Xingyiquan day. :boxing::btg:

ouch :eye-popping:

My daughter and I paid a visit to the local CNY event and had a wonderful time. Relaxing work out, reconnected with a teacher and friends, and arranged to get together during the summer.

Contrary to the unsubstantiated (as usual) attempt by a certain cult to paint the event pink, there was no express or implied mention or sponsorship of the Chinese government, not anywhere. No politics, anywhere.

Just real Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Everywhere.
At our gathering here in Olympia, there were a little over 40 participants from 6 schools/clubs and around 10 people just watching. Did some form together, watched demonstrations of other forms, did some Taiji Ruler, and talked with a number of people. A lot of fun on a nice and sunny day (we haven't been having many of those lately).

Ken Cohen just had an article on Taiji Ruler in the Journal of Asian Martial Arts.... a student of his insists our group would enjoy it..... what can you tell us about what your group was doing?
I don't remember the guy's name that lead us through the movements, but I believe he studied with Andy Dale up in Seattle. It's a little difficult to describe what we did, but I'll try.

He showed us some basic stuff where we rotated the ruler held from a horizontal position in front of us to a vertical position, then added waist turns to the right and left as we did that. We would sink as we turned to, sinker deeper the farther we turned. We also did one where we continued the rotation to where the ruler was held outward along the arm, and again adding in waist turns to the left and right. Alot of stretching of the body involved in these movements.

Another movement we did was rotating the ruler around until we slid the elbow of one arm over the other forearm, and again added in waist turns to the left and right while looking through the "window" that your arms made. Another bit we did with this was to walk the box to the left and right (take a step forward and 90 degrees to one direction and then continue stepping around like that) while looking through the "window".

Then we did some large circular stretches by swinging the ruler up from one side, twisting the arms around overhead and swinging back down the other side. Lots of stretching involved with that one.

It was alot of fun. My descriptions really didn't do it any justice.


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