World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2008

yeah, its also nice to DO rather than WATCH
LEARN rather than CRITIQUE
and APPLY rather than IMITATE.

just some thoughts, no particular rhyme or reason, i think?

myrmidon said:
You should apply all of this to yourself...
what makes you think i do not? what gives you the authority to tell others what they 'should' do?

other than that, you are correct, obviously.

what makes you think i do not? what gives you the authority to tell others what they 'should' do?

other than that, you are correct, obviously.


Just the same authority with which you question others about what they say and do...
TTCS won't be participating in this but we have other events like the Awareness day in May this year.
The TTCS Awareness Day of course is only to raise awareness of Taoist Tai Chi, whereas World Tai Chi and Qigong Day, promotes ALL forms of Tai Chi.

Very best wishes
Yeah but it's the history behind who is actually putting on this World Tai Chi & Qigong day that keeps it from being a really unified event.
Even though it is advertised by U.S. entities, it's has heavy envolvement and endorsement by china mainland apparently. In doing research, it's pretty much the same gov. that in the late 1940's and 1950's that persecuted, killed, and destroyed much of the martial arts teachers, religous centers, temples, etc... and now they are doing an about face and doing the world tai chi & qigong day. I was actually told specific stories of what happened in China as well when I enquired about TTCS participating in this day (why not right?) but in learning about more of the history I fully understand why many martial arts/religious instructors from China durring those time periods don't participate in this day BUT the concept of the day is a good one which is why TTCS does an awareness day.

Now I do have to say that even though I have been a member for 12 years, I'm not a spokes person for the TTCS, but these words apparently came from Mr. Moy's own mouth along w/ stories of his own experience walking along w/ a fellow student one day and the gov. shooting them w/ morter shells... his friend died in front of him.
Even though it is advertised by U.S. entities, it's has heavy envolvement and endorsement by china mainland apparently. In doing research, it's pretty much the same gov. that in the late 1940's and 1950's that persecuted, killed, and destroyed much of the martial arts teachers, religous centers, temples, etc... and now they are doing an about face and doing the world tai chi & qigong day. I was actually told specific stories of what happened in China as well when I enquired about TTCS participating in this day (why not right?) but in learning about more of the history I fully understand why many martial arts/religious instructors from China durring those time periods don't participate in this day BUT the concept of the day is a good one which is why TTCS does an awareness day.

Now I do have to say that even though I have been a member for 12 years, I'm not a spokes person for the TTCS, but these words apparently came from Mr. Moy's own mouth along w/ stories of his own experience walking along w/ a fellow student one day and the gov. shooting them w/ morter shells... his friend died in front of him.

Aaaaaa no

Not saying the Chinese government did not try and stamp out history and CMA with it but that was strongest during the cultural revolution that started in 1966 and the Chinese Government in the 40s was a bit different from the Chinese Government in the 50s the 1940s was the Republic of China (and they have their skeletons in the closet too) and in 1949 it became the Peoples republic of China and the PRC of the 1950s was VASTLY different form the PRC in 1966 and the PRC of today is VASTLY different form the PRC of the 50s and the 60s.

Taoists at Taoist temples do martial arts all the time now and I am betting none of them participate in World Taiji day either because it is unimportant to them or they do not know or care it exist. Same goes for many taiji practitioners in and from China.

And many taiji people of and from China do not participate in it because they see no reason to. As far as I know it is no big thing in Beijing.

Also attempting to control or eliminate martial arts practice is nothing new to China. It also happened during previous dynastic changes.

You might want to take another look at Chinese history.

Also I have nothing to do with Taiji day, nothing against it I just don’t much care about it. Also I do not know where it came from or what it is suppose to accomplish either.

If this is the claptrap currently being promulgated by the TTCS today, then it is a more dangerous organisation than it was when I left it 10 years ago.

Very best wishes
Even though it is advertised by U.S. entities, it's has heavy envolvement and endorsement by china mainland apparently. In doing research, it's pretty much the same gov. that in the late 1940's and 1950's that persecuted, killed, and destroyed much of the martial arts teachers, religous centers, temples, etc... and now they are doing an about face and doing the world tai chi & qigong day. I was actually told specific stories of what happened in China as well when I enquired about TTCS participating in this day (why not right?) but in learning about more of the history I fully understand why many martial arts/religious instructors from China durring those time periods don't participate in this day BUT the concept of the day is a good one which is why TTCS does an awareness day.

China has had a long and many times turbulent history... but to say that the current government of China is the same government that may have repressed the martial arts and other aspects of Chinese culture in the past, specially during the Cultural Revolution, would be akin to stating that the current US government is the same US government that almost drove the Native American into extintion in the past...
Even though it is advertised by U.S. entities, it's has heavy envolvement and endorsement by china mainland apparently. In doing research, it's pretty much the same gov. that in the late 1940's and 1950's that persecuted, killed, and destroyed much of the martial arts teachers, religous centers, temples, etc... and now they are doing an about face and doing the world tai chi & qigong day. I was actually told specific stories of what happened in China as well when I enquired about TTCS participating in this day (why not right?) but in learning about more of the history I fully understand why many martial arts/religious instructors from China durring those time periods don't participate in this day BUT the concept of the day is a good one which is why TTCS does an awareness day.

Now I do have to say that even though I have been a member for 12 years, I'm not a spokes person for the TTCS, but these words apparently came from Mr. Moy's own mouth along w/ stories of his own experience walking along w/ a fellow student one day and the gov. shooting them w/ morter shells... his friend died in front of him.

The last event I attended was put on by my current teacher and featured a performance by my revered first teacher. Neither one has any "envolvement and endorsement" by China, and there was no mention of that government at the event in either lecture or literature.

For that matter, there also was no "envolvement" by any quasi-cult that slurs others while having a somewhat questionable history itself. Not to mention the present.

I would enjoy seeing specifics on how, when.... and why!!!..... a government would use, of all things, mortar fire to attack Tai Chi practitioners. Let me guess - specifics will not be forthcoming.
I would enjoy seeing specifics on how, when.... and why!!!..... a government would use, of all things, mortar fire to attack Tai Chi practitioners. Let me guess - specifics will not be forthcoming.

Hey... maybe those taiji schools that were attacked by mortar fire developed a secret technique called "repelling the mortar"...

I think that time needs to be spent on reading up on the history of recent china (since the 40's up to today) and how many of the martial arts schools were destroyed by the government, how Taoism was nearly whiped out of existence, and how many martial arts schools had to flee many parts of china in order to survive. If there is doubt of the gov. shelling martial arts students in china years ago then it's time for a history lesson especially when any PBS documentary will show you a lot of the recent ruins from famous martial arts schools and temples that were burned to the ground by the gov. Even today in China, the big topic of human rights violations is a dark cloud over the Olympics and citizens are being jailed for 3-10 years just for speaking out against the government even though there is supposed to be free speech over there.... I am by no means bashing China, I'm just saying that a reality check is needed...

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