World Martial Arts Brotherhood


Yellow Belt
Today I came across a page in Facebook: 'World Martial Arts Brotherhood' which apparently is a 'non-profit organisation'. I was interested, so I googled the term and found what I thought was a link to the official site. It led me to a login page which said 'Membership is by invitation only.' I must admit that I felt disappointed. Can anyone give me a little information about this Brotherhood?
Nope. And with a name like that, I don't hold out much hope for how serious they are. World brotherhood sounds far too lofty to be run by down to earth people. :)
Just as a first impression it seems like on of those groups that are around simply to make the esteemed members feel more important to themselves.

I propose we created our own society! One where martiala artists from different backgrounds and styles can come together and discuss the martial way. Of course we will need moderators to make sure we keep out the jerks.

wait...deja vu