Workshop with Wing Chun Master Ken Chung

The Mark

Orange Belt
Hi everyone,

The North East Wing Chun Student Association is hosting a workshop with Ken Chung on Dec 2nd.

Explore Wing Chun with a World Renowned Expert.

Deepen Your Skill and Appreciation for Martial Arts Regardless of Style.

Despite referring to himself as "a humble student of Wing Chun,"
Kenneth Chung is one of today's most impressive exponents of the art. Ken's interpretation
of Wing Chun is both highly traditional and rare, with emphasis on sound fundamentals
and development of substantial power through relaxed yet highly precise positioning
and sensitivity. Come experience the power of Wing Chun.

If you are interested email for details.
It's almost here!!!

The workshop will focus on Wing Chun concepts, attributes and methods for development rather than on drills. The critically important role of positioning and sensitivity will be emphasized; this is something which can benefit martial artists of any style. You will understand "why" Wing Chun moves as it does, and why it prefers mechanical advantage over forcefulness.

You will also be exposed to basic concepts of Wing Chun application and theory, and compare and contrast to whatever martial art you currently practice. In addition you will have the opportunity to feel the type of energy Wing Chun aims at developing, the "long bridge energy" through "bridges of iron wrapped in cotton." Lastly and most importantly, you will have the opportunity to ask your own questions about the art and practice of Wing Chun directly to Ken Chung and his profound understanding of the art.

For more information about the workshop or inquires about classes in Rochester or Buffalo email

Also, look for our ad in the current issue of Journal of Asian Martial Arts!

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