Work and hobbies

MACaver said:
Well, if you two ever find yourselves out by my way... I'd be happy to take ya'll somewhere. :D I'm an instructor for vertical rope techniques and thus can train you (and him if he's not know-how) the how to's and then take ya'll to someplace real purty.
Thanks MACaver ya never know! Training would be a good idea! LOL we've only done the caves with the lighted steps and tour guides so far! But my guy also loves bats *shiver* (and vampires -vampfeed- as well)...he'd probably really enjoy it! :asian:

Design System Engineer for Control Modules. AKA the computer brains that run your car's engine and transmissions.


Martial Arts - teaching and studying
Driving my Motorcycle or my sports car
Shooting Pool and the occasional game of darts
Hanging with the friends and drinking a beer
Computer games when I get the time
Supporting Martial Talk as an Admin
The occasional Date with a young lady. ;)
I am a Police Officer and I teach martial arts at night. Hobbies include: riding my motorcycle, hanging out with friends, reading, and sports.
mj-hi-yah said:
Thanks MACaver ya never know! Training would be a good idea! LOL we've only done the caves with the lighted steps and tour guides so far! But my guy also loves bats *shiver* (and vampires -vampfeed- as well)...he'd probably really enjoy it! :asian:
This is just for MJ (shiver indeed!... this Townsend Big Ear Bat is sooo cute!) some cave somewhere in Utah.


Heh heh nice try but now I got *spine tinglin shivers*! Oh... put wings on any hamster and I'm outta here! :uhyeah:
Well lesse:

What I do/Work: I'm just getting outta the early student stages (High School/GED) of my life, currently taking a break before going to college to get a 4 year and join the navy *hums a few bars of "In the Navy"*.


Hanging Out
Collecting Phone #'s
PSP (shameless organization website plug coming in
Hunting (just getting into it)
Working Out
Being a Night Owl (I just might have a little Bat in me)

I am an IT Helpdesk Supervisor Full Time, I am a Repo Man Part Time. Fun stuff.


I am into Rock Climbing, Motorcycling, and I Brew Beer.
bignick said:
As for myself...I'm Junior in major?...oddly enough, Computer Science...
Dude! Me too. However, I'm not strictly a Computer Science major. USC-Aiken has it that if you want to do computer science you have to have a dual degree in math. I kind of like this, though. I realize that I'm good at it and that I actually like it. How weird am I?