Word Association

you're only as old as you feel, and i'm feeling pretty good! = age of denial
age of denial = move to Florida and relive the American has been dream (J/K)
move to Florida and relive the American has been dream = surfing the hurricane
lets all learn how to spell eh? = canadian slang?
You mean this, eh? = if you re-arrange the letters in that statement you get "MAY HE OUTSHINE"
Rank is meaningless. Experience is what matters. = Words that McDojos don't want to hear.
Words that McDojos don't want to hear = Top news story at 11 - the TRUTH about Martial Arts
It's a kick *** way to live! = why do people kick *** when the rest of the body needs kicking as well?
why do people kick *** when the rest of the body needs kicking as well?

actually, they never really kick your *** do they? they claim that they will, but then they try and punch you in the face...
actually, they never really kick your *** do they? they claim that they will, but then they try and punch you in the face = and just what do you think that the face might be representing?? :D
and just what do you think that the face might be representing?? = Don't know, but there seems to be some negative postings recently :2xBird2:

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