Hey You All,
Really dont know how to start this forum, or if its ben done before, so bear with me please
. For a while now I've been surfing forums like this up and down and one thing I've always felt I'd like to see is a forum where everyone participates, regardless of style, giving a little about them and their art (sort of like the General Martial Arts Forum, but in a thread). The reason of this is quite often I discover a new MA or style, and battle to find out anything on it, not specific details like particular technique as you'll most likely see in the dedicated forum sections, but a general overview of that art, as seen by the practitioners here
So what I'd really want is for everyone out there to say what MA they train in, why that particular MA (I'm NOT wanting to start a flame war here, so PLEASE, keep it cool
) ie. what attracted you to that art, why do you still do it, what in your opinion makes THAT particular art effective (in your view).
Really looking forward to hearing everyones story and finding out about the arts out there
S'pose I'll start off with myself as the guinea pig. I've just started training Jujutsu. The reason I chose JJ (close call over Aikido and Judo) was that I really enjoy the throws, takedowns, and joint locks. Personally, I really dont enjoy the prospect of striking an opponent (morals, sheesh
) so I've steered away from the "striking arts". For me I find it really effective, and in a way very disciplined. You have the ability to cause much damage to an opponent, or none at all. So you always have this control (Morals again
and its very technical ie. joint locks. Secondly, I'm not a very big muscular lad, tall yes but built I'm average...so I've always avoided direct conflict, therefore boxing and karate and TKD I've stayed away from. With JJ I find a reactive art (not defensive or offensive) which is effective (as you'll no doubt know when you've got a shoulder lock, elbow lock and wrist lock applied on you at the same time - Ouch!!), in a way no overly complex to apply..and very street effective.
Why do I still do it...the rush during training when you sparring with a partner, and during all the mayhem you can still pull your stuff off. Then you know it works
Will be great to hear from you guys out there
Really dont know how to start this forum, or if its ben done before, so bear with me please

So what I'd really want is for everyone out there to say what MA they train in, why that particular MA (I'm NOT wanting to start a flame war here, so PLEASE, keep it cool

Really looking forward to hearing everyones story and finding out about the arts out there

S'pose I'll start off with myself as the guinea pig. I've just started training Jujutsu. The reason I chose JJ (close call over Aikido and Judo) was that I really enjoy the throws, takedowns, and joint locks. Personally, I really dont enjoy the prospect of striking an opponent (morals, sheesh

Why do I still do it...the rush during training when you sparring with a partner, and during all the mayhem you can still pull your stuff off. Then you know it works

Will be great to hear from you guys out there