Word Association

like mine; a dinosaur ...RAWR! = if I say what this makes me think I'll get yet another reprimand from KenpoTess
if I say what this makes me think I'll get yet another reprimand from KenpoTess = Hold your tongue or you are held over the open fire.
Hold your tongue or you are held over the open fire. - the [good!] advice I always give myself and seldom take.
the [good!] advice I always give myself and seldom take. = A friend in need is friend indeed, a friend with weed is better. Pure morning, Placebo
a friend in need is a friend indeed a friend with weed is better = its part labrador man
a word I'm hearing less often these days... = spanish
A language heard mostly in spain = The rain in spain stays mainly in the plain.
a language heard mostly in Spain. = what about south america?
what about south america? = It is a large land mass inhabited by South Americans :uhyeah:
also home to BJJ = I wonder if he speaks portugese or spanish? (or both?)
I wonder if he speaks portugese or spanish? (or both?) = Not me, no. I speak Yorkshire.
those mini yappy dogs = Chihuhhuhhuh how the hell do you spell Chihuhuha?
Chihuhhuhhuh how the hell do you spell Chihuhuha? = yo quiero taco bell!

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