Word Association

Sucks to be you = my brain is not scrambled by watching mindless drivel
Sucks to be you = Finding a winning lottery ticket just as your plane crashes...

as a side note... 250+ pages?!?!? good lord people!! :D
my brain is not scrambled by watching mindless drivel = basically (almost) anything that is on primetime television these days.

(sorry OUMoose but it shows that Shesulsa was first in replying...:D )
basically (almost) anything that is on primetime television these days. = the joys of NOT having cable or satellite:asian:
The joys of NOT having cable or sattelite = enjoying PBS with the family.
or the Discovery Channel, History Channel, Animal Planet, etc. = specialty channels
seeing how fast my buddy Curtis and I could drive in reverse while listening to sad but true= fi you drive in reverse does it play satanic messages?
if you drive in reverse does it play satanic messages? = the accusation made against a lot of the 70's metal bands

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