Wood Vs. Rebreakables?

I've got a rebreakable red brick... ick.

A Grand Master friend of mine gave it to me, I think because he didn't like it either heheheh.

The issue I find with that one at least, is the lack of mass. When you break cement and those other materials, there's a speed of the material breaking... a mass exchange as they get out of the way etc. Not exchange, but power transfer etc, but I hope you get what I'm saying.

Without making a rebreakable as heavy as the brick it's emulating, it just doesn't feel right to me.

With the broken pavers, simply use them for artistic sidewalks :).
I still remember when I first got to break the broken halves that my instructor had done. What a great memory.
I prefer wood by far but for cost effectivness the rebreakables are the way to go. But the rebreakables don't break the same as wood thats for sure. Also be aware of the rebreakables that are arched. As mentioned they can be a PITA to put back together.
The question was not yet answered......Which brands are prefered?

My rebreakable was manufactured in Korea, with no identifable brand. Will check that out at my local TKD store (two minutes drive away from my house, which makes it nice and convenient) and let you know. It's a good board—has dense rubber sheeting on both sides to protect your hand—but it was pretty pricey.
My rebreakable was manufactured in Korea, with no identifable brand. Will check that out at my local TKD store (two minutes drive away from my house, which makes it nice and convenient) and let you know. It's a good board—has dense rubber sheeting on both sides to protect your hand—but it was pretty pricey.

I'd grately appreciate your help on that, sir.
I'd grately appreciate your help on that, sir.

Will check them out tomorrow---as I say, it's an easy two minute drive, and there's some stuff I need to get there anyway. More when I have some additional info...
Anyone bought the ones from Karatedepot.com? Any good, Crap fine?

Nia:wen Thank you.

These are NOT for a Dojo BTW, just for my daughters to use at home ;-)

Skennen Peace
Almost forgot, was watching something on E! last night, talk soup I think it was called, and Danny Bonaduce showed up, seems the host has bad mouthed him a few times on the show. He showed up with his usual slightly psycho act, the host was holding up "impenetrable"
wood boards and Danny Bonaduce was smashing them , then the host broke a few over Mr Bonaduce's head was fairly entertaining.

Danny Bonaduce won the Shows Lifetime train Wreck award or something like that.

Skennen Peace.
Almost forgot, was watching something on E! last night, talk soup I think it was called, and Danny Bonaduce showed up, seems the host has bad mouthed him a few times on the show. He showed up with his usual slightly psycho act, the host was holding up "impenetrable"
wood boards and Danny Bonaduce was smashing them , then the host broke a few over Mr Bonaduce's head was fairly entertaining.

My guess is the boards weren't made from teak or ebony... :D

BTW: Iceman—I checked out those rebreakables I mentioned at my TKD store—turns out they come packaged in clear plastic with no brand name; BUT, the store owner told me they get the boards from an outfit called MTI Trading in California, which imports them from Korea. They're a really good board...
Naaah they were pine or maybe even preperfed ala Stunt boards

Shoulda had some Spun Sugar bottles to break over his head too eh?

Skennen Peace.
Naaah they were pine or maybe even preperfed ala Stunt boards

Shoulda had some Spun Sugar bottles to break over his head too eh?

Skennen Peace.

Boy, you really want to see this guy hurt, it sounds like! :wink1:
Spun Sugar "Glass" Breaks easily, it's what they used in the movies or did back in the old westerns. looks like glass but is fragile.
Spun Sugar "Glass" Breaks easily, it's what they used in the movies or did back in the old westerns. looks like glass but is fragile.

Yah, I've heard about it before. Actually I've seen it demonstrated as some science center or other that I took my son to. There was a demonstration of breaking-a-bottle-on-someone's-head along those lines... very impressive, but kind of funny to imagine all those old barfight scents with people clobbering each other with this somewhat stiff cotton candy....
Will check them out tomorrow---as I say, it's an easy two minute drive, and there's some stuff I need to get there anyway. More when I have some additional info...

Were you able to check them out? Inquiring minds want to know:)
Were you able to check them out? Inquiring minds want to know:)

Hi Iceman—yes, look at my post #31 in this thread—I'll PM you just so you don't miss that post (or this one!)
Thank you, sir!

You're very welcome!

I'll post the MTI Trading address on this thread, just in case more people are interested in these boards. I've seen a few other kinds, but these seem to me to be the best quality so far... maybe that occasional stiffness in reconstructing them after a break is a price you have to pay for better quality (tighter fit from better machining, or something like that)?
Folks—here's MTI's homepage, with their street address and other info.


The rebreakables I like can be ordered through them. I'd very much like to know what you think of them, any of you who wind up buying one or more from them.

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