That's correct, so many points to add on the script, for most of them I advice that they require tecnique or they are not reliable to end a fight, just some good spot to attack during an already active fight, I wish I could advice the same with liver shot, too late now. Anyways, I point at the end that all this is useless without a solid base.
The video is humorous in nature, I plan to make more videos with tecniques in detail when I can improve equipment and have full body tracking.
Also I would love to analize some martial arts., expose fake lineages and ninja bullshido, the useless, always against cooperative oponents tacticool systems, how russian systema gran master loses it and now is doing no touch ki magic, Xu Xiaodong...
What type of content would you like to see?
I enjoy watching anything anybody on our forum posts. Sometimes I’ve sat through hours long videos. Sometimes I wish I had some of those hours back. But not always.
Please keep in mind, though, that “style bashing” isn’t allowed, nor is it useful.
I don’t know what “full body tracking” means.
Humor can be good, wonderful even. But it’s tricky. It helps to know your audience.
“Analyzing some Martial Arts” is not something anyone should do unless they have decades of experience in that particular Martial Art. As well as those same decades spent studying that Martial Art from an opposing organization’s standpoint in the same Martial Art, just done in different ways.
So, whatever you want to do, have fun doing it. I’ll enjoy watching it.