Women's Avatars

FUZZYJ692000 said:
HUM....it's about time you're getting the point....where is that darn dagger cause i'm about ready to launch it at your forehead :jedi1: .........he tends to open his mouth and insert that big foot of his before thinking some days

Athlete's tongue is very tasty!!! And what better to clean up the toe jam than with his own tongue.
Rob Broad said:
Athlete's tongue is very tasty!!! And what better to clean up the toe jam than with his own tongue.
Yuck. I can think of better things to do with that, but...that's not appropriate discussion.

lol - I don't really remember. I did a google search for female fighter and came up with a few. I have another one I'll post sometime in the future - it's kinda hokey, though.

I'll see if I can find the site again and post it here.
Okay - here's where I got the little girl with the sword avatar.

Here's where I got the female fighter I currently have and one more on there called "Rogue" - a woman with a sword I might put on here someday.

Lots of kewl avatars on that sight. Not as kewl as Flatlanders, though! Awesome!

...hehe...we got young youngin's on the board...gotta keep it a family show...Manson family, but still family. :roflmao:
Chronuss said:

...hehe...we got young youngin's on the board...gotta keep it a family show...Manson family, but still family. :roflmao:

I only said I like to practice my ABC's, your own mind is what made it dirty.
Just remember - if you make it all the way to "O" you gotta stop and start all over again.
Chronuss said:
...it can be ascertained that my mind is very dusty. :uhyeah:

that's an understatement....and you may get that foot to my head but we'll see about that, i've gotten mine across that balloon full of hot air a few times too...so blah :whip:
Chronuss said:
maybe...but you haven't used a crescent in some time. :P

how would you know you haven't been to class lately and that's not what leon or adam said last week when we sparred in the mud and i had my little foot print on their head gear :ultracool
kicking Adam in the head...well...I'll just stop there on that one...and why're you pickin' on the lower belts?
Chronuss said:
kicking Adam in the head...well...I'll just stop there on that one...and why're you pickin' on the lower belts?

i'm not picking on them i'm simply teaching them that they need to protect their head from kicks...i'm helping them....unlike certain people who like to make sure i still have some brain cells upstairs and see if they can rattle them around a little..then again our upper belts tend to be disappearing and not showing to class so i've got to be the mean upper belt now....want to test my temper?
Chronuss said:
oh, that's easy...just need to release a grasshopper. :boing2:

you know too much i thinks i must find the duck tape to close that trap that keeps opening....you're testing me you are....i'm sending a not so happy glare in your direction :whip:
shesulsa said:
Just remember - if you make it all the way to "O" you gotta stop and start all over again.

For some reason I spend a lot of time on the " i " and the " o ". It must be someting about those vowels.

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