Wolf In Sheep's Clothing... Beware of Maitreya


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
A friend of mine was showing me this site http://www.shareintl.org/maitreya/Ma_main.htm
There's a lot of claims of this gentleman attempting to fulfill the prophecies of various religions around the world.
One of those claims is that he will appear suddenly somewhere and all the world will know it via internet or televised news or simply in their hearts and minds. Claims that he will appear in the dreams of every major leader in the world and exhort them and their people to follow him. Claims that he will have over 1 billion followers to help spread his message of peace throughout the world and usher in a new era of anti-poverty and anti-hunger.
Claims that he has the ability to vanish from one spot and appear in another. Claims to be capable of being in several places at once. Lots of claims. He is coming and that right soon. Claims that many who did not believe before will surely believe when he appears.

As a Christian I find myself offended that this man will claim himself to be the Christ/Messiah and offended that he makes claims that he is the various leaders of other religions. The Christian bible warns:
"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheeps clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Matt. 7:15-20). And again "Then if any man shall say unto you Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not, for there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they should deceive the very elect." (Matt. 24:23-24) Likewise Islamic warnings of false prophets ring clearly; "The claim of the promised Mahdi and the Returned Christ must be Lordship i.e. they must address people by saying: "ana rabbokom" or "I am your Lord." They must not claim "ana nabiakom" (prophethood) or "ana rasoolokom" (apostleship). This is a very unique and clear sign to distinguish between true and false. The concept of the "Seal of the Prophets" (mentioned in the Qur'an) and "Seal of the Apostles" (mentioned in the Ahadith, or Muslim oral traditions are the key to understanding the warnings of Christ (which are entirely consistent with the above mentioned Hadith (Bukhari 9:237). http://www.bci.org/prophecy-fulfilled/pmmg.htm
This guy is going to cause a lot of trouble in the future I think...


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Maitreya is the future Buddha in Buddhism. Maitreya is a bodhisattva who some Buddhists believe will eventually appear on earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. Maitreya will be the successor of the historic Shakyamuni Buddha. He is predicted to be a “world-ruler,” uniting those who he rules over. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya is accepted mostly by Mahayana sects, but also by some of the Theravada and Vajrayana traditions. Some adherents of Buddhism do claim that Maitreya will also be the second coming of Christ….

There are some very specific predictions left by Shakyamuni as to the appearance of Maitreya, though, chief among them that the world will have forgotten the teachings of Buddhism altogether. Since this hasnÂ’t happened yet, only one conclusion can be drawn:

I donÂ’t know who this dude is, but he ainÂ’t who he claims to be.
You mean not everyone on the internet is who they say they are????

I am shocked. Shocked, I say, SHOCKED!!!!! :rofl:
I think all of them did. That's why Christianity was formed. They weren't included, so they formed their own thing.
Hand Sword said:
I think all of them did. That's why Christianity was formed. They weren't included, so they formed their own thing.

Actually, Nicodemus the Pharisee stuck up for Jesus at his arrest, and assisted with his burial.....Joseph of Aramithea did the same, and is commonly thought to have been a Pharisee, though none of the Gospels say so.....
it's been a long time since sunday school, but weren't the pharisees also the ones whose authority was threatened by jesus, and ultimately got the romans involved?

or am i just way off base here and in dire need of a six pack of shut the heck up.
bushidomartialarts said:
it's been a long time since sunday school, but weren't the pharisees also the ones whose authority was threatened by jesus, and ultimately got the romans involved?

Well, yeah, but the lesson is that they weren't all bad-just mostly.......

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