Wm. Cheung variations and techniques


White Belt
I have many different books by William Cheung and several other masters and I have also questioned ,in my mind, why his style seems to vary from others. I have actually practiced the forms the way he taught and other variations as well. I am just a beginner with only a few years of martial arts, which I have studied on my own as best I can.What I have evolved into is a variation of my own. I actually started five years ago by trying to apply Bruce Lee's fighting methods and some JKD. Then Wing Chun by various teachers and books. Somewhere along the line, I noticed that everyone had different variations of the same forms. I subconsciously started practicing the forms with my own variations and I sometimes feel like I have reached a plateau. I sometimes wonder which path to follow. I do feel as though I am a hundred times better off in a self defense situation than I was five years ago. However, I am forty-two years old and I feel a little bit at a disadvantage in that respect. I would like to learn more about Wm. Cheung but his books are rather expensive. I just have the first three books on the basic forms. If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it. I always try to keep an open mind.
The best advice you will get, in my humble opinion is:
Find somewhere where you can become a student, be willing to drop what you know, for now. Wing Chun needs you to make it your own, but a qualified instructor is where the path of self-discovery will blossom best. Best of luck to you, whichever road you take.
You can also dig on internet for more material. Some people upload stuff for free on various sites,forums,etc. You should be able to find what you seek concerning information. However,if you want to study the system for real,you WILL have to find yourself a teacher. It's the only way to learn Wing Chun.
,you WILL have to find yourself a teacher. It's the only way to learn Wing Chun.

It's the only way to correctly learn Wing Chun, with all it's concepts, principles, and theories. There are so many little nuances here or there, things you can't get from a book or videos when self taught. Only from hands on training by a qualified Wing Chun sifu.