Please forgive me for this I just need some outlet to say I have been SO very greatly inspired in the last week by what I have read here on the boards and received by mail from some absolutely incredible and amazing MT members who give to me freely of their time and advice and just friendship and camaraderie with no ulterior motive and gaining nothing for themselves and I will not say who for fright of embarrassing them but as is put on the CD covers of all the best bands.... you know who you are! and I just want to say to you THANK YOU for showing me the way to be
And anyway there is a point I want to make even if I sound like a big silly Gwyneth P blubbering at her ceremony but I do not even care and so regardless of what some people in CERTAIN quarters think of MT being “touchy feely” and yes you have prolly seen THAT article bout us MT members and staff on THAT site last week pffft! but I could care less I will say if you have ANYTHING to be thankful for today would you PLEASE say here and so I do not imagine I am the only one in the whole world who is grateful for something and so I do not imagine I am the only one in the whole world NOT wanting to run everything into the ground and NOT wanting to be as George Orwell had it the "Boot stomping on a human Face Forever" and you can mock me for this if you wish I am an easy target maybe but I have seen much of this derision lately and by way of redress if you have a humble word of thanks for anything or anyone please say because to say a sincerely meant “thank you” for someone or for something or anything will lift your mood and this I promise absolutely if you believe it.... try it prove it and defeat any cynicism about it that may reside in you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
And anyway there is a point I want to make even if I sound like a big silly Gwyneth P blubbering at her ceremony but I do not even care and so regardless of what some people in CERTAIN quarters think of MT being “touchy feely” and yes you have prolly seen THAT article bout us MT members and staff on THAT site last week pffft! but I could care less I will say if you have ANYTHING to be thankful for today would you PLEASE say here and so I do not imagine I am the only one in the whole world who is grateful for something and so I do not imagine I am the only one in the whole world NOT wanting to run everything into the ground and NOT wanting to be as George Orwell had it the "Boot stomping on a human Face Forever" and you can mock me for this if you wish I am an easy target maybe but I have seen much of this derision lately and by way of redress if you have a humble word of thanks for anything or anyone please say because to say a sincerely meant “thank you” for someone or for something or anything will lift your mood and this I promise absolutely if you believe it.... try it prove it and defeat any cynicism about it that may reside in you

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,