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[font=Verdana, Times New Roman, Helvetica]A note from Dougie...... (Update on Jacquelines condition)...

Some of you who have posted here a while might remember me from posting a lot few years ago when I used to do EPAK. (I know, it doesn't seem that long ago)

I'm posting now for those that know me, and I guess those that don't as well. You might remember that my Wife has been battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a cancer, for the better part of a year now. It was so advanced that when we caught it, it was in stage 4b and they told us that the chemo treatments would be much longer than the average length. Closer to a year's worth of chemo treatments, injections, surguries, biopsies, scans, and more.

We've surpassed the regular time frame for most patients and I have to say that we're making it a great fight, but it's a long fight.

I'm in her corner and helping her fight 24/7 but sometimes it's tough to hear the same person supporting you day after day and it's easy to lose faith, and heart to a faceless opponent. We're fast approching chemo treatment #12 of 16 and while the finish line is in sight it's a tough go at times.

So I'm asking anyone who wants to send any words of encouragement to my Wife to "feel free" to do so at Her name is Jacqueline and I know she can use the support. If you don't want to that's understandable, but for those of you who want to take the time I would appreciate it.

I'll leave some pics of us from last summer when we got to the beach and didn't have to spend the entire summer in and out of hospitals. Cheers.



[font=Verdana, Times New Roman, Helvetica]
Hope all is well with you guys .... I'm in your corner coaching lil Dougie!!!!!!
Goldendragon7 said:
[font=Verdana, Times New Roman, Helvetica]A note from Dougie...... (Update on Jacquelines condition)...

Some of you who have posted here a while might remember me from posting a lot few years ago when I used to do EPAK. (I know, it doesn't seem that long ago)

I'm posting now for those that know me, and I guess those that don't as well. You might remember that my Wife has been battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a cancer, for the better part of a year now. It was so advanced that when we caught it, it was in stage 4b and they told us that the chemo treatments would be much longer than the average length. Closer to a year's worth of chemo treatments, injections, surguries, biopsies, scans, and more.

We've surpassed the regular time frame for most patients and I have to say that we're making it a great fight, but it's a long fight.

I'm in her corner and helping her fight 24/7 but sometimes it's tough to hear the same person supporting you day after day and it's easy to lose faith, and heart to a faceless opponent. We're fast approching chemo treatment #12 of 16 and while the finish line is in sight it's a tough go at times.

So I'm asking anyone who wants to send any words of encouragement to my Wife to "feel free" to do so at Her name is Jacqueline and I know she can use the support. If you don't want to that's understandable, but for those of you who want to take the time I would appreciate it.

I'll leave some pics of us from last summer when we got to the beach and didn't have to spend the entire summer in and out of hospitals. Cheers.



[font=Verdana, Times New Roman, Helvetica]
Hope all is well with you guys .... I'm in your corner coaching lil Dougie!!!!!!
All my thoughts and prayers are with you in this fight! Keep the faith!
Jac if I may address you that way?

As a Healthcare provider myself there are several things that will make you stronger.
  • The love and support of close friends and loved ones
  • Touching is very important in the healing process. A warm hand or a rub to the face or arm or back gives much encouragement and strength to you.
  • Do not forget about being SPIRITUALLY Strong. Keep your faith of your choice it is the absoulte power to keep you going when it seems everything is dark and bleak.
There is power in Prayer and I would suggest that everyone that is surrounding you either in person or by mail or phone should be praying for you. I have never meet you but I can tell you must be dear to a lot of people. You must become strong because the world is a better place due to your presence with us.

Mark E. Weiser
Thanx Dennis, I appreciate the reminder for us. One of the things about cancer is that is tends to isolate and make people forget about htose it affects. I won't let that happen. I'll make sure that this evil won't have a chance to hide in darkness and expose it to the light of friends and family.

Mark Weiser, you're correct. Like I said, we can use all the encouragement we can get. Her e-mail is so feel free to send well wishes. We're 5 treatments away from finishing the worst of the chemo. This train is going home ot the station no matter how cancer tries to derail it.

I don't know either of you, Doug or Jacqueline, but I have been down the cancer train line with my father.

God bless both of you, keep you strong, safe, heal you. You are fighting a mighty battle. :asian:

Only the best,

Georgia Ketchmark
Cancer tests our strength for certain. I can see from your beautiful pictures that you already have a lot of love! Where were those pictures taken? I think a day at the beach is very renewing and healing, and I hope you can remember those days and use them as a source of strength to work toward renewed health.

It sounds like you are almost finished with the chemo. I will be thinking good thoughts for you both!

MJ :asian:
Dougie said:
The pics were taken last year at Ipperwash provincial park.


Glad to see and hear from you. It is nice to hear what is going on, keep it up.

Good Fight

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