I thought I’d post a bit of an update on my weight training experience for those who are interested.
In the last couple of weeks, for the first time since I started training, I feel my weight training is having a positive effect upon my martial arts practise and activities of daily living. As you can work out from the timeline of these posts, it’s taken a
long time to get this point - nearly three years of diligent training in fact!
I abandoned using the ‘negative rep training’ exclusively as it was probably what was killing me, although I do use it when I’ve upped my weight a little and am struggling with the last few reps. Now, I’m no longer
completely wiped out by my training sessions, just for what I’d call a ‘reasonable level‘ of fatigue on the day of training and pretty much back to normal the day after. My sessions have gone from an hour to about two hours as I’ve added flexibility and mobility training in between sets which has produced great increases in my flexibility which really pleases me!
Having this extra strength makes my martial arts practise
so much easier meaning I can move easily from some of the awkward positions required of my art and my cutting technique is much better, too.
To the embarrassing ego bit: I do like having prominent muscles

My clothes fit me in a much more flattering way, I’ve lost fat and just before getting into the shower, flexing in front of the mirror is the absolute highlight of my day

In summary, the noticeable, positive effects of weight training took
much longer to manifest than is often suggested by the literature and Youtube videos. Being retired makes adherence to my protocol much easier. Having strength and power does help with martial arts training. I really enjoy weight training now and I think it’s become a life-long habit.