My wife studies Tai Chi and (occasionally!!) Kung Fu with a Sifu who makes his own Jow from old recipies. I have used some of the regular Jow with good results. He also has something called "Bone Bruise", which is good for the kind of battering it sounds like you are taking.
Bone Bruise gets down deeper and is applied warm--it doesn't sting, but it smells quite a bit. It works pretty well, though. Got rid of a few nasty deep bruises I had...
i actually have a welt in the middle of my left shin now and am resting from sparring training and kicking with that leg. its actually haematoma i believe. a huge bruise.
I found something called "tiger liniment" its an oil thats kind of like tiger balm only way better. a little shop in LA chinatown sells it for $6 a bottle. I sent it to a friend of mine at marine training and he said it was a lifesaver. you can also get it online.