Small Child (SC): Dad! I came 5th in the egg and spoon race at school and I feel really sad.
Dad: Hmmm…that feeling you have, does it physically hurt you? Are you damaged by your loss?
SC: I’m sad, yes.
Dad: I see. But does it really matter? Are you loved any less by your two dads? Will your friends shun you?
SC: They might make fun of me!
Dad: Yes but your real friends will pull your leg out of a feeling of fraternity and love. Those others don’t really matter . Can you see that?
SC: Yes I
think so…
Dad: Has this experience, perhaps given you any ideas about future success in the egg and spoon race?
SC: I don’t know. Perhaps prepare a little more thoroughly next time? Practise balancing the egg on a spoon and the running with it?
Dad: You could yes, but in my experience
cheating is the answer. Put your bloody thumb on the bas*ard egg to hold it in place! Now pass me that stick, I need to beat you for bringing shame on your ancestors

SC: Awwww…please dad, not the beating stick again…..
Dad: Sorry son, I don’t make the rules.