WingChun IS BS!

Apparently standing in a Wing Chun pose is BS but doing a handstand or the front splits makes you 'special'.
sorry I can't view the video from my office, youtube is blocked. But if this is someone ranting about how bad wing chun is, then my answer to your ponderings is: no.

The internet is full of people spouting off their (often uneducated) opinions. These people are generally ignored by most people in the world. I think the general public is pretty good at recognizing someone who has an axe to grind, and taking their rantings with a big dose of salt. Or just rejecting them altogether.

All good points. Still, it does make me wonder: why are there more videos/blogs/etc. of people saying wing chun is BS over any other style? Even that clown Joe Rogan has an interview on YouTube where he and the interviewer both slam the style together. I haven't heard any other art get as much hate as wing chun, and for the life of me I can't understand why.
All good points. Still, it does make me wonder: why are there more videos/blogs/etc. of people saying wing chun is BS over any other style? Even that clown Joe Rogan has an interview on YouTube where he and the interviewer both slam the style together. I haven't heard any other art get as much hate as wing chun, and for the life of me I can't understand why.

That's just your perception. Pick an art. Any art. Now go search and you'll find terabytes of nonsense posted about it.
What would Master Ken say?

Well ... how about Krav Maga, for example?

Or maybe Ninjutsu?

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WC is extremely popular. Aside from Taijiquan (mostly the form, for health) WC is the most popular style of CMA in the world, and I've heard it said that it is the most popular form of MA in the world (again, aside from Taijiquan, and well behind TKD in the U.S.) I'd be surprised if you didn't see a lot of criticism out there. It could also relate to how frequently WC folks talk about how much more 'scientific' and 'efficient' it is implying that makes it 'better' than everything else out there. I'm not saying anyone in particular here, but it's not uncommon.
All good points. Still, it does make me wonder: why are there more videos/blogs/etc. of people saying wing chun is BS over any other style? Even that clown Joe Rogan has an interview on YouTube where he and the interviewer both slam the style together. I haven't heard any other art get as much hate as wing chun, and for the life of me I can't understand why.

I've heard plenty of people knocking TKD, Karate, Kenpo... I don't know that WC gets it much more than other arts.

Some people like to talk like they're an expert, even if they don't really know what they're talking about (face it, we all yell at the coach's bad play calls as we watch football on TV, even though we don't really know a damn thing about play calling in an NFL game). WC is a popular martial art. Wannabe experts need to have an opinion about it, so they will check out some bad WC YouTube videos, assume that the whole thing is crap based on that (because a few videos is enough evidence, right?) and then go talk trash because trust me, I'm an expert.
A few months ago I was watching this guys videos because he had a good stretching routine. He was quite well spoken, polite etc. Seeing this video is quite shocking.
He also has a video about how the two people that inspired him to be the great man he is were Bruce and 2Pac....and the name of the video is 2Pac is a martial artist. He may or may not be talented but regardless listening to him is just painful because he acts so childish.

Also what's the point of bashing other peoples art? It's like he's just this angry guy wanting to prove something. And last I remember Bruce never said that Wing Chun was BS/useless/whatever. If I remember correctly he just felt like it had some holes in it. Plus he didn't train in it all that long I don't think.

Oh well...whatever. To each his own I guess.
IMHO, and some may take offense to this, but this is my take on it, many wing chun practitioners are too concerned with chi-sao. We all know it's supposed to develop contact reflexes and build sensitivity but it in itself does not teach you to fight in combat situations. The only training that will is if you spar/fight others. You have to be able to use the principles of wing chun and APPLY them to adapting situations. Wing chun is not a magic formula. You have to work hard to be good and apply this art in a true manner. Someone being excellent in chi-sao does not equate to their fighting ability. Fights don't usually start from point of contact.

No offense taken with your opinion. Generalizing about all wing chun.But I disagree with your opinion as you state it..
There is much more to chi sao than what you list.Some folks who don't understand the full possibilities in wing chun training,
may be better off with sparring. I know much about sparring from pre wing chun experience.
Depending on lineage and teacher and proper practice, chi sao also teaches engaging and disengaging, not collapsing under pressure,
using different kinds of timing, sensing distance, acceleration, using the other person's power and motion and many other goodies.

Of course one has to adjust to different situations and challenges.

Sparring boxing style has it's own limitations as well.
Wing IS BS! I can agree to this however, I use BS for 'Best System'.

I have training and I instruct/coach in numerous systems. Depending upon how those systems are presented for training they are excellent systems or they are very poor.
I have & still train & instruct traditional Muay Thai, I also train and instruct Wing Chun. Several times a year I have our intermediate, advanced MT practitioners & fighters spar with our Wing Chun practitioners. With this we sometimes hold the sessions as a Muay Thai sparring session and other times it is more along the lines of a sudden attack and the WCers have to defend themselves. Depending upon the level of experience some times the WCer dominates, sometimes the MTer dominates, more often than not it is rather close as to abilities and skill sets. When held in a basic sport sparring aspect only; the MT guys usually are on top but when it comes to it being in a self-defense situation with or without weapons; the WCers almost always dominate. Why? Different training for different situations, completely different mindset toward the training and the situational conditioning we utilize for each. I don't care what other schools do, how they do it or why. I know what I teach and coach and why. Oh and yes we do Chi Sao, a lot. We also do a lot of trapping drills, pad work, wall bag work, heavy bag work, footwork, weapons, strengthening, conditioning, and tempering along with the 3 empty hand forms, 1 wooden dummy form, and 2 weapons forms. It is a process and works very well for our students. We have fun, don't take ourselves too serious but do take the training serious and work hard in the training.

Hoping the very best in the New Year for all.
Smile, give someone positive reinforcement, and keep your training real. :)

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