I have a 12 foot banner in my school, "Never Give Up!". I tend to look at most all things as, "this is life". Nothing is ever perfect but all can be worked toward perfection. We all have some kind of disadvantage or disability in something. Everyday I wake up is a good day. Pain or no pain. I am alive and have the opportunity to better myself in something. I also have the opportunity to love my family and because of their support I am able to live my passion (martial arts and building warriors) to help others train and live life to the fullest. It would be easy to sit in my chair in my home and complain. What would that accomplish? Nothing but me being miserable and making my family miserable. That is no option! So I get up every day and crush the wall of pain. When that happens it is an Awesome day. I truly believe being a warrior isn't about fighting, physical strength, or becoming a black belt. It is about conditioning the mind, body, and spirit for enduring, for over coming physical and mental obstacales, and uplifting the lives of others.
Never Give Up!