Do you know for sure that Kyokuskin is lacking in all this? Or that Wing Chun excells beyond Kyokushin in all of this?
Maybe a knowledgeable Kyokushin practitioner should post a list of it's strengths.
I really know almost nothing about the system or it's founder, Mas Oyama except I'm told...
1. It's a very "hard", external system of Karate, similar to Shotokan.
2. It trains for maximum power and the "one-punch kill" concept.
3. They do a lot of "hard body" conditioning and sometimes test this by breaking boards and sticks on practitioners' limbs and bodies.
4. Like most Karate ryu, it is a longer range system than WC, stressing long-bridge punching and kicking and favoring linear techniques.
5. Like most Karate ryu it employs a 1-2 block and counter rhythm rather than the simultaneous defense- attack of WC,
except that the blocks are so aggressively delivered that they
are attacks (as limb destructions).
6. They hold tough full contact tournaments which, inexplicably
don't allow head punches, making it really tough to pair against WC. I don't know if they can kick to the head.
7. There is a youtube clip that everybody seems to have seen in which a pathetic excuse for a "WC fighter" goes up against a very accomplished Kyokushin fighter (in a Kyokushin tournament) and, predictably, gets his clock cleaned. LOL.
8. When I was still a kid, everybody interested in the MA talked about Mas Oyama breaking the horn of a bull or steer, or something. I think I saw a picture of it.
...OK. That's my level of ignorance. Now how about
somebody who actually knows something about Kyokushin posting for a change!