Wing Chun Structure, Rooting, and Force

reply to post #39 just above:

I don't think Benny trained in judo, at least not up to his early professional fighting career (well, I never saw him do it, though his early sensei also trained in judo so maybe he did a little). His mom was a professional wrestler, and a similar move is used in that sport. I saw him do a flying mid-body scissor takedown on one of my solidly built students as easy as pie. Benny was a born fighter, and I mean that literally, starting as a very young kid and thru his school years - both sport and street. His entire family (parents, brothers, cousins) were fighters of one kind or another. He was a natural MMA fighter before there was such a thing.
He was amazing. My Sifu knew him as did my Sigung because their school was in Hollywood and they both worked as stuntmen and actors.
The OP started this thread. But he has never participated any discussion. Is this normal?

May be the OP only wants to discuss this thread in the scope of the WC system. Any posts that are outside of the WC discussion, the OP may not be interested to participate.
Just ask a questing. i will happily answer.