Sure! My dyslexia produces unusual sentence and paragraph structure, and this subject is a bit complicated and.. delicate[?], so please bear with me.
By saying "Complete", I'm referring to the entire WC system that Ip Man learned from Chan Wah Shun and Leung Bik, that was not presented to everyone. It's apparent to me, from what I've gleaned over the years, [training, sharing, reading, Youtube, etc.], that not everyone was taught the same depth of WC's technical applications, nor the entirety of the system. And, as I'm sure you know, the Wing Chun system doesn't end with the knives, like many are told. There is another area of advanced footwork that probably makes up another 20%, that follow knives. So to answer your question on why I feel
my lineage is unique.. ONE reason is my training includes this extra 20%. This includes 4 separate Jong's, with each containing several sets.
all our forms are different.. NO Bil Jee even close.. [a Disciple was chided by Duncan when he just showed the Pole 'thrust' in a pic he published, because no one (we've seen) does the thrust like
he [Duncan] was taught.. same with Knife,
very different. I'm referring to his early 70's WC. Since then he teaches 'Applied WC' now.. not the same. ]
Sidebar -Each pole of the mid size Gerk Jong is about 4". Chow Tze Chun, [just passed a cpl months ago] one of Ip Man's early and long time students, and who was with him long enough to learn WC advanced kicking, claims Ip could break' two poles' with his kick.

[another one of those cool stories] If you look him up, [CTC] you'll see a famous pic of him from the 50's, kneeling with few of Ip's other students. Standing on the right is a teenager in a white shirt. That's Duncan.
Also, when I say 5 "private" students, I don't mean they're anonymous, Geezer, I mean five that were taken aside for special reasons, and taught something a little different.. as in technically elevated? I.E., IMHO, WSL is one of these five.. taught one thing in class, then taken aside later and given more insight. That being said, I've never seen any of his disciples teaching advanced footwork on tripodal, or Moifa [plumb blossom posts]. Just sayin..
I heard only a couple people know who they are. Allen Lee was one, and HE recently passed as well.

I hope this covers that Q, Geezer. It's little things in the system that are interesting to me.. like CTC's moifa training was on 5 posts, and ours has a 6th.. one in the middle. Hhmmm
FYI- now that CTC's passed, his senior student Donald Mak claims that -
He- is now Ip Man's 'Traditional' WC successor and Grandmaster.

-yo, stand in line, pal! hahaha