Orange Belt
Just a first article to share and discuss some notions I had the chance to see with people from the Leung Shen Lineage :
[h=2]Key points on Yee gee kim yeung ma :[/h]
To go deeper :
An article I wrote on the long bridge :
Niem Lik by TST, 3rd student of Yip man :
feel free to debate or to ask question on the subject.
Just a first article to share and discuss some notions I had the chance to see with people from the Leung Shen Lineage :
[h=2]Key points on Yee gee kim yeung ma :[/h]
- Kim Sut : Internal roation of the hips, witch keeps the knees rotated inside and flexed, the apex of the patella is aligned with the big toe.
- Lok Ma : Knee flex, they dont press inside.
Squeeze an imaginary orange between your knees without pressing inside.
Dont press inside, dammit ! - Ting Yu : Retroversion of the pelvis, and then antepulsion. the feeling is a stretching on the area of the inguinal ring.
At this point, verify you apply the first two steps, the position is now really difficult to stand, but be assured, it will get worse! - Ding Tao : Keep the head straight and the body erect. The tongue is glued on the palate, the shoulders sink down and a little bit forward, the chin goes a little bit backward.
An invisible string lifts the head up from the vertex point.
The head goes up, the body goes down, the spine get streched from both sides of the 4th lumbar area.
Keep your eyes on the horizon, reduce your thoughts.
If you knee trembles and you feel bad, thats really the moment to sink more ; Wait until it pass, at this point, you are working the stance.
The general body alignement is backward but he back of the head is aligned with the back of the heels because af the knee flexion. - Mai Jiang : Press the elbow inside and backward, supination and ascension of the forearm, the wrist is aligned with the ulnas direction. No contact with the thorax.
« Turtle back » : witch means an horizontal state, you dont want a kyphosis on the dorsal area.
The sternum empty itself, breathe with the nose and with the belly, in a traditionnal or reverse way.
Shoulders down and slightly forward, elbow try to squeeze lightely behind your back, shoulder blades are glued on the rib cage.
Fist are closed, never squeeze the fingers but try to kiss your pinkie with your thumb.
To go deeper :
An article I wrote on the long bridge :
Niem Lik by TST, 3rd student of Yip man :
feel free to debate or to ask question on the subject.