Wing Chun Has Come to Buffalo NY!

The Mark

Orange Belt
ave you been interested in Wing Chun Kung Fu and not been able to find any in Buffalo NY?

It is here! With 10 years teaching experience I have relocated to Buffalo and am starting a training group. If you are interested contact me, Mark Stoddard at

To kick things off, members from the Rochester Wing Chun Student Association and I will have an open class in Buffalo.

It will be on Saturday August 26Th starting at 11:00am until 1:00pm at Hoyt Lake near the Casino in Delaware Park. Stop in and ask questions, observe and even participate. Then enjoy the Elmwood Ave Art Festival and Buffalo Old Home Days events!

Wing Chun is a southern Chinese martial art the focuses on close range striking through using the opponents power against them. It was created by women to give the smaller, weaker person an advantage. It is the only martial art that Bruce Lee formally studied.

The Wing Chun I teach comes from Kenneth Chung who learned from Leung Sheung who learned from Yip Man in Hong Kong in the early 50s.

Thanks and I hope to see from you soon

Are you still by any chance in Buffalo? And if so, are you teaching in Buffalo on a steady basis? If so, I'd be interested to learn more.
Sorry I didn't reply earlier but I haven't been to this thread in a long time.

Yes I am still in Buffalo and training Wing Chun.

We meet on Tues and Thurs evenings from 6:30 to 8:30. Tues we meet at by the Macy Casino near Hoyt Lake in Delaware Park and Thurs at Romney Taylor's World Fighting Arts.
i am interested and wish to study. I was wondering when it is possible if I could fet the adress and times of your classes.