From the rec.martialarts FAQ
(Contributor: Marty Goldberg -
Traditional Wing Chun -- Copyrighted and Trademarked by Grandmaster
William Cheung. Used to describe a very different version of Wing
Chun he learned while living with Yip Man in the 1950's. Includes
different history of lineage as well. Governing body is the World
Wing Chun Kung Fu Association.
Ving Tsun - Used by other students of Yip Man, such as Moy Yat. This
spelling was considered the main one used by Grandmaster Yip Man as
well. It is also used by many of the other students, and was adopted
for use in one of the main Wing Chun associations in Hong Kong -- The
Ving Tsun Athletic Organization.
Wing Chun - General spelling used by just about all practitioners of
the art.
A World Wide listing of Wing Chun Kwoons (schools) is maintained by
Marty Goldberg ( and posted periodically to
rec.martial-arts. A mailing list (open to all students of Wing Chun)
is also maintained by Marty and Rob Gillespe at