Wing Chun and Staff


The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Hi all,

As a beginner with Wing Chun, it is obvious that the art is very specific in terms of structure. I am keen on learning to use a staff (Bo), question is. Could I incorporate the Wing Chun forms into staff movements? I know that sounds a bit like a movie script, but I am being serious here. Any thoughts welcome :)

Hi all,

As a beginner with Wing Chun, it is obvious that the art is very specific in terms of structure. I am keen on learning to use a staff (Bo), question is. Could I incorporate the Wing Chun forms into staff movements? I know that sounds a bit like a movie script, but I am being serious here. Any thoughts welcome :)


As beginner the Dragon Pole is going to be quite a bit down the road. Attempting to "change" the forms that you are learning into something else is going to cause issues with what you trying to learn right now. Don't rush training because you want to get to the "good" stuff.
Takai said:
As beginner the Dragon Pole is going to be quite a bit down the road. Attempting to "change" the forms that you are learning into something else is going to cause issues with what you trying to learn right now. Don't rush training because you want to get to the "good" stuff.

You make a very good point there. It would be remiss of any student to jump ahead. It my case though, this would be for a bit personal fun, but I will think a bit more on this. Thanks!
IMO the most important thing is building a solid WC/WT/VT foundation first. Trying to adapt these techniques to a bo staff would be a distraction ...and not be particularly practical anyway. Much, much further down the road, you may learn the 6 1/2 point long pole (luk dim boon kwun). These techniques can be adapted effectively to a shorter "bo" staff, and they will enrich your WC/VT.

So the question is, "What do you do if you want to learn staff techniques without waiting years to learn the long pole?" In our VT organization we teach a version of Escrima based heavily on Latosa Escrima Concepts and Torres DTE which is very compatible with our VT. This optional program is open to students with intermediate and higher rank who want a practical approach to both traditional and improvised weapons. In fact I will be flying to Austin next week to offer a seminar in 6' staff to Ving Tsun students there.

My advice to a beginner would be to get good at you basics, then in a year or so, maybe check out FMA (Filipino Martial Arts). Your sifu may or may not approve of the idea.
Hi all,

As a beginner with Wing Chun, it is obvious that the art is very specific in terms of structure. I am keen on learning to use a staff (Bo), question is. Could I incorporate the Wing Chun forms into staff movements? I know that sounds a bit like a movie script, but I am being serious here. Any thoughts welcome :)


Learn from a lineage that has the short pole, like mine:
Hi all,

As a beginner with Wing Chun, it is obvious that the art is very specific in terms of structure. I am keen on learning to use a staff (Bo), question is. Could I incorporate the Wing Chun forms into staff movements? I know that sounds a bit like a movie script, but I am being serious here. Any thoughts welcome :)


You have a lot to learn before that. Just performing bong sau correctly will be work alone.
I just wanted to say, I really dig Hung Fa Yi, looks very combat practical to me!

We have a few good bits here and there, but I might be a little biased... ;)

I actually just started learning the Lung Fu Gwan 3 weeks ago, having learned the YM long pole and the Wudang Saber I can see how it's a pretty wicked/no BS use of the weapon.

Still hoping we're going to shoot some HTH application videos this year. I think people are tired of watching our forms, lol!
Thanks peeps. I am under no illusions that learning Wing Chun is not something that can be picked up without dedication, or practice and patience. Something to look forward to though!

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