

Black Belt
Mar 8, 2007
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Since beer got is own thread, I thought I would start one up on wine...scotch will follow.

My faves...New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs, Argentinian Malbecs, Chilean Sauvignon Blancs, Australian Shiraz, and a few years ago the Languedoc region of France was producing some excellent values in wine. Spanish riojas are also very nice.
Being denied the glories of reds due to migraine sensitivities, I have to stick with whites, most particularly Chardonnay, Semillon Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc.

I have never been impressed by the much vaunted French vineyards and the poor old Germans have only ever managed to rise to mediocre when it comes to white wine. Sadly, the American's fair about the same as the Germans and the Hungarian output is well ... let's not say, it wouldn't be polite. The South African white wines tend to be far too acid for my palette, Chilean is hit or miss, as is Argentinian.

For me, until their recent climate troubles, there was only one sure fire continent when it came to glorious Chardonnay's, Sauvignon Blancs, Verdehlo's and blends of same - good old Australia. Robust and flavoursome as tempting and morish as the stereotypical female surfer babe :D.

I'd recommend without hesitation, even now the poorer years seem to be upon us, such delights as Wolf Blass Yellow Label Chardonnay, or Angove's Pump Shed or Banrock Station or Penfold's Rawsons's Retreat.
Ports and icewines!

ports are indeed awesome, particularly on Fisherman's Beach in the Algarve!

As for icewine...yeech! And I have tried many of Niagara region's finest, they just don't do it for me.
I'm lucky enough to live in the Pacific Northwest which has some excellent wines. I'm partial to the local Pinot noirs and grigios. I also like Syrah, Merlot, Amarone (only with liver and fava beans :wink:), the occasional Riesling and Port.
I make wine...or I did before I moved to Hawaii. My favorite, was my spiced maple apple mead. That stuff was dangerous. On a cold winter's day, it was absolutely wonderful in a steaming mug.