Wilderness Survival: Mining & Forging

Bummer...guess I could always just keep digging straight down until I get past the Earth's crust and finally hit metal. Oughta be at least a few good sized chunks down there I could break free and melt down.
Bummer...guess I could always just keep digging straight down until I get past the Earth's crust and finally hit metal. Oughta be at least a few good sized chunks down there I could break free and melt down.

That is called "mining" do you have a place where you can mine?
Um...yeah...it's called Earth. XD I'll have to make a digging tool and ropes first; basket weaving as well to make containers for removing the dirt...which I could use to maybe make a cool shelter. I'm assuming it doesn't really matter where you start digging, just so long as it's not ridiculously hard to dig in. Softer soils would probably be best. Maybe a mile or so off the outskirts of a nice little swamp. Probably any tropical environment would have good soil for digging in, plus it wouldn't freeze if it stayed hot year round. Dig as much as I can before bunking down in my shelter with my food and water every night. Eventually I'll reach a point where I'll start hearing the positive clinking of metal. Then it'll be time to drop something really really really heavy and compact down onto it from above; that oughta blast a bunch of chunks loose haha. Sure, long and tedious, kinda dangerous, but man....what a great feeling it would be to make a hammer or a knife that I can truly say is 100% mine. That sounds like it's a good feeling. :)
Um...yeah...it's called Earth. XD I'll have to make a digging tool and ropes first; basket weaving as well to make containers for removing the dirt...which I could use to maybe make a cool shelter. I'm assuming it doesn't really matter where you start digging, just so long as it's not ridiculously hard to dig in. Softer soils would probably be best. Maybe a mile or so off the outskirts of a nice little swamp. Probably any tropical environment would have good soil for digging in, plus it wouldn't freeze if it stayed hot year round. Dig as much as I can before bunking down in my shelter with my food and water every night. Eventually I'll reach a point where I'll start hearing the positive clinking of metal. Then it'll be time to drop something really really really heavy and compact down onto it from above; that oughta blast a bunch of chunks loose haha. Sure, long and tedious, kinda dangerous, but man....what a great feeling it would be to make a hammer or a knife that I can truly say is 100% mine. That sounds like it's a good feeling. :)
Why don't you melt scrap metal in a forge?
You are such a dream killer Chris. It is actually depressing to be around people like that. Rather than it being helpful. Just so you know.

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off

You know what, no, I'm not. What I am, though, is someone who doesn't treat with completely nonsensical ideas as if they're reality or realistic. And frankly, that's a far better approach, especially in some of the areas we deal with here, than offering completely unthought out, uninformed, dangerous advice based on the idea that everyone should just have fun and do whatever the hell they want.

Bummer...guess I could always just keep digging straight down until I get past the Earth's crust and finally hit metal. Oughta be at least a few good sized chunks down there I could break free and melt down.

"Bummer"? No, not "bummer"… what you're being told is reality. You know when you asked what in your posts were coming across as delusional? This. All of this.

You cannot simply "keep digging straight down until you get past the Earth's crust", and even if you did, you wouldn't "finally hit metal". Many metals are found as ore, rather than large nuggets… others as forms akin to sand… only some are actually solid lumps of the element(s)… so… no. You have no idea of even the most basic aspects of what you're talking about.

That is called "mining" do you have a place where you can mine?

Um...yeah...it's called Earth. XD

No, that's not what was meant.

I'll have to make a digging tool and ropes first; basket weaving as well to make containers for removing the dirt...which I could use to maybe make a cool shelter. I'm assuming it doesn't really matter where you start digging, just so long as it's not ridiculously hard to dig in. Softer soils would probably be best. Maybe a mile or so off the outskirts of a nice little swamp. Probably any tropical environment would have good soil for digging in, plus it wouldn't freeze if it stayed hot year round. Dig as much as I can before bunking down in my shelter with my food and water every night. Eventually I'll reach a point where I'll start hearing the positive clinking of metal. Then it'll be time to drop something really really really heavy and compact down onto it from above; that oughta blast a bunch of chunks loose haha. Sure, long and tedious, kinda dangerous, but man....what a great feeling it would be to make a hammer or a knife that I can truly say is 100% mine. That sounds like it's a good feeling. :)

You have no idea what you're talking about… it does matter where you dig, some areas are going to have more likelihood of finding a rich vein of whatever metal… but that's the next part… what metal do you think you're even looking for?

Seriously… none of this is realistic, accurate, or in any way anything other than a delusion.
...Whatever. Pretend I don't exist if it bothers you so much. I'm starting to think you just like confrontation and stirring up drama. :P
You got me, there. Who's land do you plan to mine your metal from, and how are you gonna work that moral dilemma out in you head? :cool:

It will probably be either State or Military land. I plan on starting here in Alaska. Technically I don't even live in a city; I live in a little village on the outskirts of a small town that's a hundred miles away from the nearest actual city. There's vast areas of Alaska that are completely uninhabited and probably even uncharted.

Chances are, no one will care about a young man in the woods miles away from any semblance of civilization; that's my first rationalization over the possible moral dilemma. My second rationalization is...what gives them the right? None of us asked to be born into this world, a member of this flawed species during troubled times under an oppressive government that would instantly demand we follow all their little rules whether we agree with them or not; whatever gave them the right to just take whatever they want and dictate how I'm supposed to live my life? It doesn't make sense to me. They shouldn't be allowed to enslave me, and I should be allowed to fight for my freedom, and create my own life for myself in a manner that is a bother to nobody. ...I'd rather die than surrender to not being allowed to provide for myself...and that's my third rationalization.
You know what, no, I'm not. What I am, though, is someone who doesn't treat with completely nonsensical ideas as if they're reality or realistic. And frankly, that's a far better approach, especially in some of the areas we deal with here, than offering completely unthought out, uninformed, dangerous advice based on the idea that everyone should just have fun and do whatever the hell they want.

Where and when did I advise ANYONE to do anything? o_O
I'm not "delusional" and I'd appreciate it if you stopped saying I'm crazy; I'm not. I am inexperienced. I'm the student here; I seek to learn what I can; not to teach or advise. It might happen incidentally at times though, but if you're referring to the volcano discussion, I never "advised" anyone to do that; it was an activity which I wanted to do personally at my own expense by my own choice; it has nothing to do with anybody else.

And wilderness survival and pioneering arts and sciences are just about as close to reality as you can get....maybe you're just more interested in fighting? o_O

Thanks for the info though.
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Ok, ok... I thought it was a funny/creative story for a while, but now you're starting to be argumentative.
I'd like to apologize to the MT community for going along with it for a while. I thought it would be harmless. *closes thread*
...Well, yeah, I don't like being told I'm a delusional lunatic when all I'm trying to do is learn new things and make new friends. If I didn't argue it, then chances are a resolution would never be found. Turns out though that maybe Chris and I are starting to see eye to eye...I hope. But anyway, not doing anything would have just filled me with resentment and I probably wouldn't have stuck around if I'd decided to just take it, stick my tale between my legs and run away. I have the right to stick up for myself when I feel the need, and I try to do so as productively and respectfully as I can.
Where and when did I advise ANYONE to do anything? o_O

That wasn't to you… pay attention to who is quoted to see who is being addressed.

I'm not "delusional" and I'd appreciate it if you stopped saying I'm crazy; I'm not. I am inexperienced. I'm the student here; I seek to learn what I can; not to teach or advise. It might happen incidentally at times though, but if you're referring to the volcano discussion, I never "advised" anyone to do that; it was an activity which I wanted to do personally at my own expense by my own choice; it has nothing to do with anybody else.

Every post you've made shows a lack of ability to reasonably discern realistic ideals and objectives, as well as realistic goals and ideals. And, if you were actually coming here to learn, you might have picked up that absolutely everyone here has been saying that. The very idea that you think you can just find a meteorite, and that it'd be made entirely of metal that you could drop in a volcano is simply one example of the level of delusion in your ideas, frankly.

You're not just inexperienced… you're not just naive… you're patently out of whack with reality.

And wilderness survival and pioneering arts and sciences are just about as close to reality as you can get....maybe you're just more interested in fighting? o_O

Not if approached the way you are.

Thanks for the info though.

Sorry; my mistake. I have ADD/ADHD and I'm a high functioning Autistic; get things mixed up from time to time. Parents weren't exactly clean-living when they had me.

I didn't know that meteors usually aren't largely composed of metal. I figured out that I was wrong when I asked about it on here. Voila, I learned something new. How does this make me "out of whack with reality" as opposed to merely uneducated???

What qualifies you to judge me so harshly? What's your real problem??? o.O
Sorry; my mistake. I have ADD/ADHD and I'm a high functioning Autistic; get things mixed up from time to time. Parents weren't exactly clean-living when they had me.

Genuinely thank you for that. Understanding where you are coming from is incredibly helpful in how you are engaged with here.

I didn't know that meteors usually aren't largely composed of metal. I figured out that I was wrong when I asked about it on here. Voila, I learned something new. How does this make me "out of whack with reality" as opposed to merely uneducated???

It wasn't just the lack of awareness of what meteorites are made of, it's the very idea of how you would get metal, what is involved, how you would source it, what you would need, and so on. It's good that you've picked up one correction, but the root of the issue goes to your perception itself, rather than simple factual errors.

What qualifies you to judge me so harshly? What's your real problem??? o_O

Let me be clear here, then. This has been far from harsh. My concern is the wellbeing of the forum, as well as the membership as much as possible. That means that, when a potentially disruptive member comes along, in whatever form (such as trolls, who aim simply to disrupt and cause issues wherever they go), I will take note and try to steer things in a proper direction. That can involve being somewhat direct in my comments, as (in cases such as this), there was really no wiggle room for the ideas you were presenting, especially considering the forum you posted it in.

To be honest, some were thinking you were a troll… personally, I was less convinced of that, feeling that there was something you hadn't let us know yet (as you now have). I'm very glad to have been correct!
...There's a lot of things I don't want to let people know about me. Either because it's super embarrassing, just hard to talk about with strangers that I just met, or makes me feel angry and vindictive, or makes me start crying and/or induces a panic attack; those usually happen together, starting with the panic attack and then the crying. Heart starts steadily pounding and thumping in my ears, I feel numb and my teeth feel like they're about to vibrate right out of my mouth and my fingernails feel like they're vibrating to the point they feel as though they're flapping up and down, start hyperventilating, feels like I can't breath, eyes swell up with tears, then if I feel like it's getting too severe I take off out of the cabin running as fast as I can, holding my breath and just feeling the wind on my face. Stop and take a breather. Scream at the top of my lungs and start smashing rotten trees apart; anything I can do to release whatever it is that builds itself up inside up me. Usually I ended up getting scraped up and that usually snaps me out of it. Then I just sit there for a while and stare off across the river at the mountains. Kinda became a routine/coping skill. Better than breaking town into a slobbering piping hot mess in front of my family or letting out that energy in the house/on the property....Yeah...I have C-PTSD too. It's kinda like regular PTSD but with mild psychotic features; like seeing or hearing things that aren't really there; usually in the form of flashbacks or hearing sounds of the trauma(s) experienced....for me it's usually screaming children echoing through the rusty drain in the floor of my bare and empty concrete cell; like I can still feel the cold of the pavement on my naked body, can still hear the droning electrical hum of the yellow flickering light fifteen feet or so above me. The most well known cases of C-PTSD are found in Prisoners of War.

Been getting better at recognizing my triggers and distracting myself. Usually in the form of hobbies and complicated projects to keep my mind busy and stimulated.......like this, for example. XD

Anyhoo....yeah...I don't want people to see me as broken...but I don't want them to see me as an annoying troll either.....so if opening up more and putting it all out there so to speak will help with that....then all the better for it I suppose. Too tired to care right now. Ha, oh yeah, I'm an insomniac too; haven't slept in a couple of days. Usually wake up screaming and pissing myself.
I don't want you to put out any more than you're comfortable with… but I also want you to know that giving us some perspective on where you're coming from certainly helps us not jump to conclusions (such as you being a troll, just as an example), and know how to direct our responses. Hopefully this can put us back on track… one last piece of advice, if you'll hear it, is simple. Asking questions is your best approach. If you want clarification to any answer you get, by all means ask for it. But remember that the answers you get are always given generously by people who don't have to answer… so take them, even when they don't say what you want them to, or expect them to, in the spirit of generosity in which they're intended. That means that, when you say you have a particular idea, and are told that it's impractical, implausible, or simply against the reality of the situation, understand that people are telling you that, among other reasons, to have you not waste your time and energy pursuing such things.
Coolness; thanks for the advice. :)
...I'm way more receptive when people talk to me like they're Mister Rogers. XD
Bummer...guess I could always just keep digging straight down until I get past the Earth's crust and finally hit metal. Oughta be at least a few good sized chunks down there I could break free and melt down.
No, you could not. You ought to read a bit about the composition of Earth. You would never get there.

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