Okay, this is enough to pull me back onlineā¦ and it's time for this to stop.
"Zumorito", whoever you are, one thing is patently obvious. You either are trolling, or you are psychotically delusional. Nothing in your entire post, and nothing in this thread has anything at all to do with Koryu Bujutsu. Nothing in your entire post, and nothing in this thread has anything to do with martial arts. Nothing in your entire post, and nothing in this thread has anything at all to do with reality. Nothing.
My recommendation is that you either stop trolling, if that's the case. or you seek serious and immediate help if you think anything you've posted here at all is in any way realistic, rational, or sane.
That said, I'm going to pull apart your initial post, and point out just how far from reality you areā¦ which should tell you why Flying Crane and others are asking if this is a serious post.
I'm pursuing the Japanese warrior arts because I seek to become invincible.
You are not pursuing Japanese warrior arts. You have no idea of them outside of your delusional fantasies (do not, I repeat, do not get into your head that you are in any position to go to Japan and study Tenshinsho Den Katori Shinto Ryu. You aren't). And none, absolutely none of them would make you "invincible". Grow up, get help, whichever is more appropriate.
It's not because I want to fight or feel like a tough guy. I seek it because I want freedom. One thing which will help me on my path towards total self-sufficiency, are the elements of Metal.
That doesn't even make any sense. The only metal that can grant "freedom" is gold, and the only freedom it can grant is financial. Nothing here has anything to do with martial arts, Koryu, Japanese ideals and concepts, or reality.
Gold, silver, copper, bronze, iron, etc. I want to learn not only how to obtain metals from Nature itself, but I also want to find out how to do it using nothing but stone tools, at least at first, until I can use the harvested metals to forge my own metal mining-tools instead of using stone tools.
You can't. You don't have anything close to the requisite knowledge, resources, abilities, or anything else. And only using "stone tools"?!?! You do get that many metals are found in very minute amounts, and need to be smelted in order to make what we recognise as metals in the first place, yeah?
Stone tools however will be all I could reasonably use in the beginning though, because I refuse to buy pre-made tools that were manufactured by somebody else, because then, in a way, that company would be able to say "I helped make Zumorito a free man." and I just can't allow that on my quest;
Trust me, no one would make helping you on this "quest" a point of pride for themselves. And, mate, you're already free. You just don't understand what the term means.
I have to attain my own metal with my own hands using my own tools, and then I have to forge the new tools myself
No, you don't. It's lunacy and idiocy.
; the only thing I can receive from others, is Knowledge, as I have no other choice but to learn new things from sources outside of myself;
Then learn this. Your entire idea is fraught with a complete lack of reality, and only has any possibility of anything close to success if you're a manga character with blue tattoos in the shape of an arrow on your shaven head.
there needs to be input for neurons to connect in my brain, and I can't use my own brain's output as the input because...well, that's basically as useless as breathing your own air over and over,
Garbage. That concept is known as a thought experiment, and is how much of theoretical physics (for example) is conducted. Do you think that Stephen Hawking needs others to tell him everything, or is he processing things in his own head himself? Here's a clueā¦ it's the latter.
it might work for a while, but you're not making any more new oxygen so, eventually, you're probably going to die of nitrogen poisoningā¦.
No, it'd be carbon dioxide poisoning, as that's the dominant gas expelled, not nitrogenā¦ really, there's nothing right in anything you're saying, even when you're explaining one bad and incorrect idea by using poor scientific understanding as an explanationā¦
I hear it's a pretty trippy way to goā¦.
What are you on about?
anyway, that part doesn't bother me too much because whereas I may attain the knowledge from others, I'm still the one putting the work and effort into developing the skills for myself, so that I can keep my pledge to myself to not receive any gifts or items from others so that the life I build for myself is truly and fully MY LIFE.
Human beings are social creatures. That's the way we're designed to operateā¦ within social constructs, with the community (village, tribe etc) pooling resources for the betterment of allā¦ you're basically saying you don't want to be human here.
So yes...I seek knowledge on mining metals from scraps in the wilderness at this time, as well as how to forge them into instruments using stone tools. Thank you for your time, and hope to hear from you.
Give up any thoughts of this. Give up any thoughts of training in Katori Shinto Ryu. Your training background (as presented in another thread) is so full of issues and holes that I honestly believe that it's all part of a delusion you've createdā¦ perhaps out of something that actually happened, but just as likely not. My reading of your posts is that you have some major issues with the perception of reality, and, until that gets dealt with, I'm recommending removing you from the site.
This thread has nothing to do with Koryu Bujutsu, and as such, is entirely off topic here. It will be reported as such, and, hopefully, closed.