Lately, while surfing this forum, as well as others, I find myself asking why....why do people find it necessary to run out and create their own martial art? Is it some childhood fantasy that they want to live out, by training in a bunch of arts, toss some mumbo-jumbo together and feel they're the next Bruce Lee? Do they want some sort of status, or feeling?
I have to much training do these people actually do? Do they train 5 arts for 3 mos. each, run out, toss stuff from each art together and call it something? Do they feel they're offering people something that they're not getting elsewhere?
I've been training for over 20yrs. Kenpo is my base art. I also actively train in Arnis. I enjoy BJJ, although its been a while since I've been on the mat. I do teach from time to time, and yes, there are times when, during a Kenpo class, I'll toss in some Arnis, just to a) give people a taste of something else, and b) because at the school where I train, some of the Arnis basics are required at the upper levels. I make it clear what I'm teaching, so as to not misrepresent, and have people think that this stick drill is Kenpo, when it isn't.
Many times, while doing techniques, in a spontaneous reaction drill setting, I'll find myself doing some Arnis mixed with the Kenpo. I may start off with a Kenpo tech., but end with an Arnis lock. Nothing wrong with that. I say that, because I've devoted many years to Arnis as well.
What I do not do though, is take my years of training, mix a little of that, a pinch of this, an ounce of that, blend it all together, pop it in the over for an hour, and WA-LA...a 'new' art. Personally, I have zero desire to be some made up GM, Soke or any other title. I have no desire to make people go "ohhh and ahh" at my 'new' creation. Every class that I go to, regardless of what art it is, I find myself learning something new. I do not claim to know it all.
If we think about it, there are so many arts out there. Many branches of the FMAs, various Kung Fu branches, Kenpo, Kempo, Kaju, TaiChi, grappling.....the list goes on and on and on. So if we see all of this, it raises the question....why...why is it necessary for someone to run out and try to craft something when there're countless, already proven systems out there?
Some will say, "Well, if these people created their own thing, why can't I?" IMO, the answer, or at least one answer is...because these people have tested their art over time, and have proven it. I highly doubt that the people running around today, the shake 'n bake, pop in the oven, new founding father of X art, has done any of that.
So...enough rambling from me.
What are your thoughts?