Why you started taking martial arts

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Why did you start taking martial arts

  • You were scared of being beat up

  • You beat up and scared it would happen again

  • You were beat up and wanted revenge

  • Saw it in the movies and thought it would be fun

  • Fitness

  • Other (please post why)

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"For self defense. All my life though, I've loved the cartoon super-heros on TV and I wanted to be one. Now, in a very small way, I feel like I'm learning to be one."

I am one omg!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I did get bullied a lot in grade school... It was a small school and I was the new kid. The boys would stick pencils point up on my chair (after getting stabbed in the **** once, I learned real quick to look before I sat down) and generally harassed me. One day, I got cornered in the playground equipment storage room while I was getting a kickball. Two boys, Jess and Wayne, cornered me and one of them grabbed me. A right thrust punch and a left reverse punch equalled a black eye and a bloody nose. Jess had the black eye, and Wayne had the bloody nose. I grabbed the kickball and ran out, right into a teacher. The two of them got suspended for fighting, because neither would admit that a girl had beat them up. They never bothered me again, and neither did their friends. I'd tried talking things out with them several times before this incident, but unfortunately, the only language some people understand is violence. Both the bullies are in jail at this time.

The bullying wasn't really an issue for me when I decided to take martial arts a year later. I read a book that had a main character who took karate, and I thought she was SO COOL... so of course, I wanted to try it, begged and pestered my parents until they finally took me around to different schools (I think they gave in so I would shut up about it and stop driving them crazy). I've learned so much more than I had ever dreamed I would.

The book was "Children of the Night" by Mercedes Lackey... and if you like fantasy and haven't read any of Mercedes' work, RUN to your nearest bookstore or library.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

The bullying wasn't really an issue for me when I decided to take martial arts a year later. I read a book that had a main character who took karate, and I thought she was SO COOL... so of course, I wanted to try it, begged and pestered my parents until they finally took me around to different schools (I think they gave in so I would shut up about it and stop driving them crazy). I've learned so much more than I had ever dreamed I would.

The book was "Children of the Night" by Mercedes Lackey... and if you like fantasy and haven't read any of Mercedes' work, RUN to your nearest bookstore or library.

Well, I been begging my parents for martial arts since the age of 12, and nothing. :(
dunno if you've gotten lessons yet... but if not, try this:

1. find a way to pay for some or all of them yourself
2. find a friend to take them with you so you can carpool
3. tell your parents all the good things about martial arts and point out that there are a lot worse things you could be doing (like sitting on your **** in front of the TV watching The Osbournes)
4. find out what their objections are, and disprove them.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

dunno if you've gotten lessons yet... but if not, try this:

1. find a way to pay for some or all of them yourself
2. find a friend to take them with you so you can carpool
3. tell your parents all the good things about martial arts and point out that there are a lot worse things you could be doing (like sitting on your **** in front of the TV watching The Osbournes)
4. find out what their objections are, and disprove them.


1. I am looking for a job so I can pay.
2. You are right, I don't want to or will accept my parents to pay for it anymore, but they never did, only at 1 point.
3. My father doesn't want me to talk to him about Arts. So I'll do that. I hope he tells me not to talk to him. Period.
4. My parents don't listen to me, I gotta do my own life.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

I was beat up a lot as a child. I was the only male gymnast in my school. We had one set of mats and the gymnasts got them or the wrestling team got them. The wrestling team sucked. They couldn't beat up the girls, so they went after me. My grandfather put me in lessons to protect myself. But I stayed in the lessons because of the competition. It was just a natural extension of the discipline of from and motion I had studied since I was 6. I wasn't scared of the guys beating me up, they did little damage, even though I was much smaller than them I was wiry with no fat what-so-ever. My family didn't like these guys beating me up. So that is how I got into the martial arts.

He is Wirrrey! :D :rofl: Quote from movie "The Replacements".
I guess i just wanted to learn to fight!! Not that i had anyone to fight...i grew up in a very stable home situation, never worried about bullies at all...i was in shape, fairly strong for my size, but i didn't know how to fight! my younger brother and i would wrestle, and he would beat me every time. we started taking kenpo together...i still remember the first time we sparred in class. he tore me up. all he did was back knuckle - reverse punch combinations...and drove me to the wall! i couldn't do anything!! the years progressed, i went forward much faster than he did...and by now, i can beat him every time!!

now, i do it because i enjoy it, i'm passionate about it. i like the fitness, the flexibility, the mobility, the alertness, the thought patterns, everything about it!! and, it's great self-defense...

Lol the chicks came WAY before the Martial Arts mate! :rofl:
Yup, I admit it, I did it to impress the chicks! There, I said it, so what? Women love men in uniform:boing1: :rofl:

Seriously though sportsfans, I signed up for the fitness aspect of the martial arts and also more importantly, to learn a method of self-defense. Its worked out pretty well so far. Getting my *** in gear and beginning my MA training is one of the best decisions I've made in my life. :asian:

Oh yeah, and by the way, I'm still aiming to impress the chicks...

I can't really remember why I started MA in the beginning. I was pretty young, I can't really even remember starting, my memories are just allways having studied. I've taken time off here and there, but as to my original starting I guess it was up to my parents. Kung Fu is a part of my life now though and to stop would seem like stopping eating or something, I can't explain it. I hope this doesn't sound stupid.

Again I was bullied at school, but thru martial arts and weight training,all this stopped.
Since those early years I've used my skills and power both as a bouncer and for going on 9years in law enforcement.:jedi1:
Originally posted by 7starmantis

I can't really remember why I started MA in the beginning. I was pretty young, I can't really even remember starting, my memories are just allways having studied. I've taken time off here and there, but as to my original starting I guess it was up to my parents. Kung Fu is a part of my life now though and to stop would seem like stopping eating or something, I can't explain it. I hope this doesn't sound stupid.


Makes perfect sense. If I don't train I just end up hitting things walls, doors, desks, people... I'm thinking about MA stuff constantly, thats why I'm at forums like this one.

I don't think I could stop completly even if I tried.
I started to train in ju jitsu 2 years ago. The reaons I started were mainly for fun, excersise and because my girlfrind was already training and she might beat me up (or make me do all the housework!!).

Originally posted by Posiview

I started to train in ju jitsu 2 years ago. The reaons I started were mainly for fun, excersise and because my girlfrind was already training

Is she in jujutsu also?
Originally posted by shotman

Since those early years I've used my skills and power both as a bouncer and for going on 9years in law enforcement.

Can you say more about how you have used the martial arts in law enforcement?
Is she in jujutsu also?

Yes she does. She's trained for longer than me and is just about to grade for her brown/black belt.

We have two daughters who also train: Sophie (12) is purple belt (junior assistant Instructor); she has been purple for nearly two years but realy enjoys coaching the juniors and doesn't seen too bothered about grading fo her brown belt.

Hazel (9) is a green belt and runs very hot and cold - some weeks she gets in there and really tries but other times she messes about a lot.

I've been looking to take up another art and have finally convinced several non-martial arts friends to start escrima training with me.

That's great that you have your children in too!

The Filipino arts it in very well with just about any art--good luck!

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