Why You Shouldn't Practice Iron Shirt Qigong

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I found this a rather interesting to post for a guy who is trying to get people to buy his DVDs and or go train with him in China

From Shifu Yan Lei
Why You Shouldn't Practice Iron Shirt Qigong

Iron Shirt can only be practiced after training in the preliminaries. The student must have exceptional fitness, mastered - at a minimum - The Eight Treasures Form and all of the Shaolin stances. If a student can run 10k then train intensively for an hour afterwards, only then, may they be ready to learn.

And I have to say, I don't disagree with this. I also do not train Iron Shirt Qigong
you found this propaganda interesting? in what way? the title says why you shouldnt practice iron shirt but no where in the blog does this even come up yet alone give a reason not to train in it. he only says you need a lot of dedication to do it and other than that its an advertisement for his DVD training.
Actually it does give a reason not to train it, but it is not saying it should never be trained. You are, IMO, taking the title to literal. My understanding of what is written is; you should not train it unless you are in pretty darn good shape. Any interpretation you get from that is your interpretation, however it is not mine.

I also do not support of condone DVD training by itself. It is at best a supplement to training with a real live sifu.

Also I do not take it as propaganda because propaganda is defined as information especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. And I do not read anything there that come off as propaganda to me. I am actually rather shocked that someone who is making a business of selling videos is saying that this particular video is not for everyone

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